Monday, March 22, 2010

I had planned on going to storytime on St. Patrick's Day, but I didn't feel very good, so Cheyenne and I ended up staying inside all day and no one got to see her in her cute outfit. I wanted to take a picture of Jeff, her and I all in green, but since I never left, I didn't really wear anything green and Jeff forgot so he didn't either. I guess next year, Cheyenne will be old enough to sort of understand and we can dye all the food and make corned beef and cabbage and stuff... this year was just sort of lame... oh well, Cheyenne still looked cute:)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Cheyenne feeding her baby doll

Here is a video of Cheyenne feeding her baby, she had been doing it for like 5 minutes, so I decided to get it on camera. We had just given her the napkin to wipe the face off, because the baby's whole mouth was filled with milk, and Cheyenne kept trying to push the milk down with her finger. Right after I stopped video taping, Cheyenne blew me a kiss, of course. You can never catch it on camera!
Nothing else really new going on around here. Basketball is over, now Jeff comes home after school and it rocks!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

What's new: Monster Post

Holy Cow! It has been so long since my last post I have been considering just giving up on the whole blogging thing... the reason why I took such a long break, was that I feel like I am always on the computer between facebook, email, paying bills, couponing blogs, looking up and reading about things I need to learn about, looking up costs of vacations (I could spend hours planning fake vacations), hahaha... I also often go to where they have the entire scriptures on their website and I read the scriptures online, because I love how you can just click on the links so fast to read more about a certain topic, where it would take me like an hour just to read a topic in the regular scriptures because you have to look up where the scripture is and then find it then go back to the topical guide... anyway, long story short... too much time on the computer and it gives me a headache!

Anyway, I decided I would update today because I just felt the urge... I don't even really have a topic to update about. I was thinking about putting the video up from the last time it snowed here, but videos take like half an hour to upload on my computer. I might do that later...

There are lots of new things in our life lately:) Jeff finished his Master's Degree in December and is also working extended day meaning he has no planning period, so he gets paid more. He is also coaching basketball (he also coached football)... basically he is working his little butt off so Cheyenne and I can play at home all day:) He is such a great husband and we are so lucky to have him! His basketball team just won their 2nd round of state last night. It was an uncomfortable game because we are all used to them winning by 20-80 points, so only being ahead by 4-10 points the whole game made everyone nervous. Their next game will be this Saturday, they are now in the "Elite Eight." They are playing the same team at the same place as they did last year when they got to the Elite Eight... hopefully this time we will be the ones moving on the the final four instead of them this year!

I am also still watching Colin, a little boy a couple of months younger than Cheyenne. I am looking forward to him learning to walk because I think it is much easier when they learn to walk. Everyone told me oh you won't like it when Cheyenne can walk... those people are stupid. That sounds mean, (and if you are one of those people who told me that, don't worry I am not talking about anyone in particular, I don't even remember who told me that but about 100 different people did) but that really annoys me, when people say, "oh wait til she crawls you'll wish she never had!" Well, I have never wished Cheyenne didn't sit up, or roll over, or crawl, or walk... every time she reaches a new milestone, everything gets better and easier... I guess maybe I wont feel the same with my next child, who knows...
This is Colin and Jeff one day when Jeff had a snow day. They were both asleep like this I thought it was so funny.

I have also been doing a lot more activities with Cheyenne. Every other Monday, and every Tuesday and Wednesday there is story time at the library. Then on Fridays I have a play date with a couple of girls in the ward at my house. Then randomly I get together for playdates with other people in the ward. It has been really fun and Cheyenne and I both love it. I also took Cheyenne to a place in the mall called 1-2-3 Jump! It is all these inflatable toys and slides and she LOVED it. At the beginning she was all nervous but by the end she would go down the slide all by herself... she is still a little young though, because I had to help her up to all the toys, but she had a blast. The following picture is of Cheyenne and Colin at infant story time at the library. This is at the end which is free play time. Colin is in the middle on his knees looking the other way and Cheyenne is in the red pants (her Valentine's day outfit).
I also am still coaching a club volleyball team which is really fun, I have just loved it! Coaching club is so much better than high school. It is like half the work and double the pay:) I love it. I had gotten burned out of coaching when I was at Kearns, so this club season has been great to remind me why I love this sport and why I love coaching. We have about 6 weeks left and 3 tournaments. The girls on my team are so great and their parents are AWESOME! They are so supportive and helpful, and organize everything. Anyone who has coached before knows it can make such a difference with the support of the parents. This picture is from the two tournaments ago when we won t-shirts for winning the silver division.
My new calling at church is the Young Women's Personal Progress leader. I pretty much am supposed to be motivating the girls to pass off values in their personal progress by reading scriptures, journal writing, giving service, etc. I am not that great at it, but I have started to try to pass off my own things so I am starting to understand it a little better. Many of the girls are very self motivated and have done so much on their own.

Cheyenne has been "talking" a lot more lately. I say "talking" because I don't know that most people would recognize the words she says, but she does say words consisitently. Here is what she says:
1. snow- "no"
2. mama
3. dada
4. "ashes, ashes da da da dow" (from ring around the rosie)
5. juice
6. banana "nuhnana"
7. no no no (while shaking her finger at you)
8. nose "no"
9. ah ah ah (when she sees a monkey)
10. baaaa (when she sees a sheep)
11. woohoo! (when I tell her to say that)
12. uh oh!
13. oh no!
14. shoe

I think that is everything. She can also point to her eyes, nose, mouth, toes, head, teeth and ears.

She just had her 15 month check up the other day and she has moved up to the 25th% (from the 10th) in height and down to the 25th % in weight (from the 50th%) she is very tiny, but I was always very tiny too, until my junior year in high school, so it is probably just in her genes. She eats anything we put in front of her, so hopefully we are feeding her enough...

Here are some of the things I am most looking forward to:

1. Jeff being done with basketball (although by being done, I hope that means they win the state title).

2. Jeff's team beating Columbia this weekend!

3. The weather getting warmer

4. Hopefully a tax refund (although I haven't done our taxes yet and I am not looking forward to actually having to prepare them).

5. Getting the Master's and extended day pay (this hasn't been applied to Jeff's check yet, but they will back pay him, meaning we should be getting a big paycheck soon, hopefully!)

6. The weather getting warmer

7. Jeff's school getting out for the summer in May- 3 months to go!

8. The next season of the Bachelorette with Ali:)

9. Hopefully going home to Washington this summer if Jeff gets time off...

10. My brother Aaron and his family coming to visit and maybe my brother Jared coming to visit in March/April.

11. My next half marathon in Summerville in May.