Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Audrey's Baptism

This past week, my oldest neice, Audrey, turned eight. My Dad, Karen, Cheyenne and I drove to Florida for the occasion and we had so much fun. For Audrey's birthday, Andrea (her mom) told her she could pick anywhere she wanted to eat and she chose Ryan's, haha... we had had enough of buffets, so we went to her second choice which was Arby's. It was fun. Dad and Andrea went up into the attic and pulled out their jumperoo for Cheyenne to play in, and her feet barely touched the floor, but she was able to make it bounce and she loved it! It was so exciting for me to watch! For the baptism, I gave the talk on the Holy Ghost and I made Audrey a "Holy Ghost Bag" with a bunch of stuff in it about the Holy Ghost. For example, I put in lip gloss because the Holy Ghost speaks to you, a blanket because the HG is a comforter, and a ruler because the Holy Spirit is a teacher, and a flashlight because the HG lights your way, etc... Anyway, Audrey was sitting on the front row and Austin was on the second. The room was pretty full of people from the ward, etc. Anyway, I pull out a bar of soap, and start talking about how you have to keep your thoughts clean and your body clean so the spirit can dwell in you and Austin yells out, "can she use that in the shower or the tub?" HAHA, it was so funny and cute, mostly, I was surprised he was listening! Anyway, the last thing I pulled out of the bag was snickers, because when the HG guides you to make good decisions  your friends may "snicker" at you and try to tempt you to make a different choice.  Austin runs up to the front row where Audrey is and says loudly, "Audrey, there's so many, that's so big, you have to share Audrey!!!" It was hillarious! Anyway, the baptism went well. The water was really cold and Audrey looked very shocked when he pulled her out of the water, but she went under without a problem. After the baptism Audrey wanted to go to the Asian Buffet, so we all went there and it was pretty good (my family loves the buffets, if you can't tell). Then Audrey, Austin, Aaron, Cheyenne and I all went bowling. We had so much fun in Florida and we are going to go back with Jeff too in April for Spring Break, unfortunately Aaron will be deployed probably when we go, but we are hoping it will be warm enough to visit the beach next time! 

Sleepyheads 2

My favorite thing in the whole world is when I am looking for Jeff and I find him like this. Luckily I get to see it about everyday:) Last night after I watched the Bachelor and the City, I went in to get Cheyenne to feed her and Jeff was on the very edge of the bed sleeping so still, and Cheyenne was sprawled out in the middle, it was the cutest thing I had ever seen, I wanted to take a picture, but I didn't want to wake Jeff, but here is another of the cute times I have caught them snuggling asleep:) Love it.

The Many Faces of Cheyenne

I just thought these pictures were so cute and funny, I had to share.

Monday, February 16, 2009

ECCHS vs Hart County Basketball

These are pictures from the Hart County game. It was so close and we ended up winning by a couple of points in overtime to win region! The team is doing so well, they are 20-4 and have won the last 14 games in a row! They are ranked top 10 in the state and have region playoffs starting tomorrow. If they win on Tuesday then they go to state for sure, and they are playing the last place team in the region, so they probably will:) There is one really good kid on the team named Rod Rucker and he scored 38 points in this Hart County game and got 18 rebounds, I think he leads the state in rebounds as well. Jeff says he is getting looked at from some major D1 programs. He and a couple of other guys are also really good at dunking so that makes it more fun for me to watch. Anyway, Jeff is having so much fun coaching them and he is learning a lot from the head coach Larry Brown. He played at Georgia and also played in the Super Bowl for the Tennessee Titans several years ago. He has been a great mentor for Jeff. I am so excited to watch the rest of their games and hopefully they will win state!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ryan's Valentine Celebration

My Dad and Karen are here visiting us.  We decided that we should go out to eat before Saturday since restaurants are always so crowded on Valentine's Day.  My Dad LOVES buffets so we all decided to go to Ryan's. Jeff got done with practice early and we all left to Athens (the closest Ryan's). We punched in Ryan's into the GPS and were on our way. Unfortunately, Tom Tom brought us to a closed down Ryan's, and to make a long story short we drove around Athens for about an hour looking for a Ryan's to eat at.  When we finally found it, it was worth it! We all ate about twenty plates full and Jeff is still feeling sick:O) Anyway, here are some pictures from our early Valentine's celebration. Cheyenne was so good the whole time, because it could have made the situation much more stressful if there was a crying baby in the background.  But she just waited patiently until we found Ryan's so I could feed her.  Despite getting lost, it turned out to be a great date and a fun excuse for me to get all dressed up:) Oh and Cheyenne's shirt says, "I love Daddy"... so cute...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Two month update

Cheyenne had her two month appointment on Monday. She had been sick with her first cold for a few days before, so she wasn't feeling great. Then she had to have her shots and it was the first time I ever saw her cry with tears. It was very sad, but cute at the same time. The doctor said that she was still very healthy. She was 23 inches long and 11 lbs 13 oz! She is growing like a little weed! Love her. Oh and in other good news, Jeff started training for the half marathons with me! I am so excited, he usually hates running, but I am getting him used to the idea, and I know he will be good at it. Anyway, just had to update the stats on Cheyenne's height and weight... we love our little chunky monkey:)