Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ocean Day 2- Burnt to a crisp

So apparently no one put on enough sunscreen our first day at the jetty, because everyone had some place on them that was FRIED! Mine was my face, Jeff, his entire upper body, Connie's chest, and Berkeley had a little bit of redness and swelling around her eyes and Cheyenne's face looked like a zebra, because I used the stick and missed a few stripes. The only one not burned was Grandpa Frank, so he got Cheyenne duty in the sun on the 2nd day at the beach. The next day we slept in and recovered a bit. My brother Aaron and his wife Andrea were so so nice and generous to let us stay at their house while they were in Washington on vacation. So, we slept in and watched tv, played some home run derby, and ate lunch. After the girls nap, we set off for day two at Beasley's Beach or something like that at Fort Walton Beach.

Jeff and I were so excited for Frank and Connie to see the true beauty of the Gulf at a different beach, but we were super disappointed when the water was totally gross, because it was full of seaweed! We called around to other beaches and it was everywhere. I guess it only happens a few times a year, but the seaweed comes to the shore and it stays for a few days. This was a total bummer, because usually the water is crystal clear and so blue and beautiful. Most of us stayed in the shade this time nursing our burns anyway.

The Jetty

The first day in Destin, we went to the Jetty. This is the best place for the kids, because there are no waves. It wasn't the best introduction for Frank and Connie to the Florida beaches, because it was a little smelly and the water was a little cloudier than usual, and we forgot there was no bathrooms, but we still had a great time.

Auburn University

Jeff's parents came out to visit us last week and we took a trip down to Destin for a few days. We stopped by Auburn University, since Jeff's parents had never been to Alabama or Florida before. I decided to stay by the cars to guard them, since I had been there before and it was in the middle of the day on a school day, so our cars were parked in a towing zone since we had no permit. Even though it was really hot out, it was fun and a nice way to break up the drive a little. Cheyenne rode with Grandma and Grandpa and kept them entertained the whole way, while Berkeley rode with us and actually got to sleep since our car was quiet and she wasn't getting poked by her big sister:)


Cheyenne likes to line up anything together and call it either a train or a troll bridge... here is a recent train.

Friday, July 15, 2011

This little girl

is starting to pull herself up all the time, and even cruising a little. I know it will probably be another 4 months or so before she walks, but I really love when they can walk so much more than only crawling so I am really excited that she is making progress!

Cheyenne's lunch

Jeff wanted to steal it.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Latest Deal

We got this at a garage sale for $150. The color and everything are really good, it looks kind of funny in the picture, but it is even HD. I was apprehensive at first, but now I LOVE it. It makes good use of all the extra space in our room and the girls love being closer to the screen, they never want to use our other tv anymore. Also, when Jeff has to watch film for fball/bball, he can come in here and the girls and I can still use the tv in the other room:)

Cow Appreciation Day

Cheyenne was so excited to dress up as a cow and kept going, "moo mooo mooo." We told her to get her shoes and she found her black slip ons and said, "look! Cow shoes!" It was so cute. It was awesome that each person got a free meal. Any meal you picked! We have 5 chic-fil-As in Athens, so next year we will have to do it for breakfast, lunch and dinner and get leftovers:) haha... we did it for dinner and got leftovers at a different one for the next day but that was already kind of a lot. It was so much fun and so fun to see all the different cow costumes. Oh and Berkeley is eating more and more solid foods and sort of feeding herself which I love. She is beginning to enter my favorite stage, when she can walk (she can pull up to standing, walking is still a several months away) and feed herself- love it!

We will repeat this activity again in the future- so much fun!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Fourth in Florida

I apologize for the pictures being in reverse order but it would take too long to organize them. I have a brother who lives in Crestview which is about a 7 hour drive from our house. The last time we went there was for Christmas two years ago, so we didn't get to go to the beach much. We love seeing them, so we were so excited to get a chance to go this summer, thankfully there is a state rule that no one can practice 4th of July week, so we got a break!

We took our time driving down on Thursday and stopped by Red Robin on the way to use my free birthday burger meal.

The next day we slept in and played around then drove to Destin (30-60 minutes from their house depending on traffic). We dropped off Audrey at her play practice and then went to the beach with my mom. After the beach we went to watch Audrey's performance as a guard in "Robin Hood." She says she wants to be an actress and loved it. After that we all went to pizza at this mall area called Destin Commons. It was lots of fun.

Then the next day we slept in again and went to the Jetty. It was overcast and kind of cold, but still fun of course. Afterward we went to eat at Moe's and then saw the fireworks at Destin Commons.

The next day was Sunday so we took a day off from the beach and went to church and relaxed at Aaron's house. Andrea's mom, Annette lives across the street from them and cooked us a delicious dinner. Cheyenne loved playing with all of the toys at her house. The next day was the 4th of July and we woke up early and went to the Big Kahuna's a waterslide park in Destin. It was SO MUCH FUN!!! Oh man, it was a blast. It has been forever since we had been to the waterpark, like, I think 7 peaks about 3 or 4 years ago... Mom, Aaron and Andrea all helped watch Cheyenne and Berkeley so we could go on the faster slides. Cheyenne and Berkeley both loved it.. I think Berkeley was laughing the entire trip. We had brats for dinner when we got home. That night Jeff and I stayed home and put our tired girls to bed, but everyone else went to see some fireworks.

We were going to leave the next day, but we were having so much fun we decided to stay an extra day, so we went to the Jetty again and it was much warmer this time. Then we got Little Ceasars and went to the splash park and playground at Destin Commons and Jeff let the kids ride the little train. Cheyenne still has her ticket and yells "all aboard!" It was so much fun and we can't wait to see them again!

Jeff let the kids go on a train ride:

Cheyenne loved this playground:

Cheyenne's swollen bug bite eye:
Cheyenne walking on the beach by the jetty:
Mom with the grandkids:
Berkeley with Mom and Dad:
Cheyenne on Daddy's shoulders:
Cheyenne attempting to Boogie Board:
Playing with Berkeley at the Jetty:
Mom and I:
Everyone playing volleyball or something on the PS3... Audrey was the champion:
Ansley was sitting on the potty like Cheyenne, they like to hold hands:
The whole group in the water at the jetty.
Cheyenne and Ansley got along great, here they are holding hands.
I loved the Destin Commons area, it was just this mall with a splash park and playground in the middle but it was all lit up with palm trees everywhere.
Fireworks at Destin Commons
There was a really big thundershower before we left for the jetty, so we all sat on the swing to watch it.
Cheyenne and Ansley jumping on the tramp:
Jeff being silly, but look at that gun show!
Group shot at the fountains at Destin Commons:
Everyone at Pizza after Audrey's play:
Cheyenne playing with Audrey and Ansley at Destin Commons:
Three generations:)
My sister-in-law, Andrea, Berkeley and I at Destin Commons.
Me and the younger kids at Destin Commons. Cheyenne, Berkeley, and their cousins Austin (6) and Ansley (22 months)
We went to Audrey's Robin hood play. She was a guard and loved it, she says she wants to be in Drama club when she is in high school.
Berkeley was sooo good! She just sat in her stroller and ended up falling asleep for around 45 minutes so I could get a good nap in:)
The whole fam:
Berkeley in the shade:
Cheyenne with Grandma Sylvia
Cheyenne with her cousins, Ansley (22 months) and Audrey (10)
A wonderful summer vacation!