Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ocean Day 2- Burnt to a crisp

So apparently no one put on enough sunscreen our first day at the jetty, because everyone had some place on them that was FRIED! Mine was my face, Jeff, his entire upper body, Connie's chest, and Berkeley had a little bit of redness and swelling around her eyes and Cheyenne's face looked like a zebra, because I used the stick and missed a few stripes. The only one not burned was Grandpa Frank, so he got Cheyenne duty in the sun on the 2nd day at the beach. The next day we slept in and recovered a bit. My brother Aaron and his wife Andrea were so so nice and generous to let us stay at their house while they were in Washington on vacation. So, we slept in and watched tv, played some home run derby, and ate lunch. After the girls nap, we set off for day two at Beasley's Beach or something like that at Fort Walton Beach.

Jeff and I were so excited for Frank and Connie to see the true beauty of the Gulf at a different beach, but we were super disappointed when the water was totally gross, because it was full of seaweed! We called around to other beaches and it was everywhere. I guess it only happens a few times a year, but the seaweed comes to the shore and it stays for a few days. This was a total bummer, because usually the water is crystal clear and so blue and beautiful. Most of us stayed in the shade this time nursing our burns anyway.

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