Thursday, October 30, 2008

Beta Baby Shower

I have been so spoiled since I have been here!! I think people feel bad for me because I don't have any family here so they are just so nice and try to make me feel loved!  I joined a sorority a couple months ago and I am barely getting to know everyone.  They knew I was due soon so they threw me a baby shower at one of the meetings. It was so nice of them and everyone was so generous, especially since a lot of them probably didn't even know who I was!  I am just so surprised at how thoughtful people are!  Here are some pictures from the shower, this is everyone that was there til the end.  Then the cup is a present from the whole sorority and it has the logo for Beta Sigma Phi which is the name of our sorority.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

36 weeks pregnant!! Almost there...

Sorry, I know I just posted like 50 times, but there were so many pics I had to put some up and write about them.  This blog is sort of taking the place of my journal.  Anyway here are my 36 weeks prego pics (tomorrow I will be 36 weeks, so they are sorta a day early).
Just 4 more weeks left.  To you this may sound like not long at all but to me it feels like eternity!! The worst part is that it could still be even 6 weeks because she could be up to two weeks late!  NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Hahah, I really haven't minded being pregnant up until about 28-30 weeks, then it started to suck.  I am wondering how I am ever going to convince myself to go through this again.  Hopefully next time I will stay in better shape, that will probably help.  Anyway, I will take another picture at some point before I deliver, probably my due date, so here is the second to last one:)  I have a Doctor's appointment tomorrow, then I start going every week.  I just keep thinking, wouldn't that be so awesome if I went to the Doctor tomorrow and he said okay you can have it right now!  Only in my dreams...I will be impressed if she arrives on the due date and not late.  I guess I will just have to be patient and think only of the money I am making while I am working instead of giving birth.  I really really really hope I don't get too much bigger... only time will tell.

Primary Halloween Party

About two or so months ago, I got called to be in the Primary Presidency.  This is our entire primary!! They are all so cute.  We had our Primary Program and the kids did such a good job, they sang several songs and each took a part speaking, they practiced so hard and just did a really good job.  You could definitely feel the spirit as they were singing.  We decided to have a halloween party at my house to celebrate all of their hard work.  We all dressed up in costumes and ate donuts off of strings, had a candy walk (cake walk, but with candy as the prize instead of cake), ate apples dipped in caramel, peanut butter and chocolate, and ate pizza, and all the kids decorated sugar cookies to take to new members and less active members in the ward.  It was so much fun and the kids really had a blast!!  Thank you to Jeff who was very helpful to me the whole time making everything run smoothly!!

Sugar Cookies

So my visiting teachers brought me the ingredients for sugar cookies and frosting and Jeff had been telling me all week I should make them, so I started to make them and as soon as I would get them all decorated and on the towel, they would disappear.  I had to kick Jeff out of the kitchen and said he couldn't come back in until they were finished.  When I was done I knew they wouldn't be around long, so I just had to take a picture of the finished product. Fall sugar cookies, here they are:)

My new jogging stroller

Well, this actually happened a few weeks ago, but after waiting patiently for several weeks for this jogging stroller to get in stock, I ordered it and waited a few more weeks to get it.  I found this stroller on Rachel Meynders blog and she told me which one she got, so I copied her and got one too.  Thanks Rachel! As you can imagine me and my impatientness, I barely pulled it in the door and had to start putting it together right then.  Jeff kept telling me he would do it if I would just wait until the weekend, but I said no!  Haha, I put it together that night and Jeff and I practiced walking around the house pushing it, then I took it on a walk with my friend Holli and pushed her baby in it and it was awesome!  I always meet her halfway between our houses and I got some funny looks jogging with an empty stroller while I was still pregnant, but once I met her and put her baby in (and we started to walk) it was better.  It was so smooth and so light even with an older baby in it.  I am so excited to use my stroller for real hard core runs!
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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Final Tag

I went to Eli and Brittany's blog to watch a hilarious video of Eli making Grady dance to a song called ice cream and cake.  I had seen it last night and needed another good laugh (go see it if you haven't yet) anyway, while visiting their blog, I discovered I had been tagged again.  I am starting to see a lot of different tags and am sure they could get out of control so I have decided this will be the last one I post on here.  I wasn't going to do anymore after the last one, but this one looked fun and I am waiting for Jeff to get out of the shower to go to bed anyway... so here it is:)
"The Husband Tag"

Where we Met:  At church in December 2003.  I was home from Dixie for Christmas and Jeff had just gotten off his mission.  I went to church with my step-brother Spencer and they went to high school together, first they sat by each other in the institute ward and people got mad at because they were talking so much.  Then we were in Ferndale II ward and my Mom stopped him and introduced us.  She said, "Jeff, this is my daughter Stacey."  He said something like, "I would like to get to know you more, do you want to go to dinner tomorrow night." 

How long we Dated before we got Hitched:  Long distance for 1 and a half years, but I was home during the summers, it didn't get serious until about January before we got married.

How long we have been Married: 3 years and 3 months.

What is my favorite feature about him: Hmmm... tough question.  Love his big blue eyes and long eyelashes, blonde hair, and his smokin body!

What is my favorite quality about him: He is so fun to be with, he loves me and makes me happy, he works hard, always helps around the house without complaining or making me feel guilty I am not doing it, and he has such a strong testimony of the gospel, he is a good example to me!

What is his nickname for me: Boo, Stacers, Wifey

His favorite color: umm... I have no idea.  He looks really good in baby blue... He would probably say purple and gold or black and gold, I'll see if you can figure out why...

His favorite food: He loves everything.  I would say any kind of meat.  He was also recently talking about how his mom used to make the best Manicotti (I need that recipe!)... I can't think of much he doesn't like.

His favorite sports: Football, basketball, baseball, and golf (to him those are all that exist)

Who said the L word first: I honestly have no clue.... I think possibly he could have said it to me in an email or instant message... hahahha, I really don't know.

First kiss... When and Where: Our second date... this is a funny story and he might be mad if I told it, haven't told many people.  Anyway, we were at his house at the end of the second date, I had told a story of how when I was a senior in high school and my mom (Sylvia) and step dad (Steve) were dating, I was coming home from some sort of practice and walked in on them making out on the couch, which Jeff thought was the funniest thing since my step-dad used to be in the stake presidency and no one would ever think of him making out with his girlfriend... anyway, so I had told that story the day before on our first date.  I was about to go home and we were in his living room at his parents house and he said very quickly, "Wanna pull a Steve and Sylvia?"  In my head I was like "What? Gross..."  Then he kissed me and even though I was totally grossed out with the comparison to my mom and step-dad it was okay because I was kissing Jeff and I was pretty excited about that:)

Favorite Couple thing to do: Snuggle on the couch and watch tv (I will watch football for him sometimes and he will watch sitcoms for me), bike rides, playing basketball, lifting weights.

How many kids: 1 on the way, someday anywhere from 3 to 5.

His hidden talent: He is good at cooking and he is really good at making other people feel good about themselves.

His age: 27

His favorite music: He loves r&b and rap, but is also likes country, because he thinks he is too old for the other kind of music, but I always catch him listening to it so I know its still his favorite.

What I admire most about him: Everything... I guess one thing especially that I haven't already talked about is that he is so good at teaching.  He is way better than I was.  He connects so well with the students, has great control, and really knows every sport really well to teach the correct way to do it.  He would come teach my classes a couple times at Kearns for practice and I was jealous at how good he was at it.  All my students liked him way better than me!!  And he loves his job, which makes a happy wife!!

His favorite pastimes: Playing sports, lifting weights, watching football, basketball or baseball, and sleeping.

Will he read this: Yes, he looks at our blog everyday to see if his family wrote a comment... (he LOVES his family so much), he wouldn't admit that he looks at it everyday, but he does:)

I tag: Everyone who reads my blog! I want to hear about you and your husbies!!


Monday, October 20, 2008

Jeff's Answers to the tag

Seven TV shows I like to watch:
1. Friday Night Lights
2. Sportscenter
3. College Game Day
4. College Football games
5. College Basketball games
6. Baseball tonight
7. M's baseball

Seven things that happened yesterday:
1. Went to church
2. Took a 4 hour nap
3. Ate chicken almond stir fry that Stacey made
4. Had Family Home Evening with the missionaries
5. Watched my high school football highlight film
6. Read my American Football Coaches Association magazine
7. Went to bed.

Seven Favorite Places to Eat:
1. Red Robin
2. Outback
3. Boss Tweed -now closed:(
4. Olive Garden
5. Q4U BBQ
6. Texas Roadhouse
7. Nuthouse Grill

Seven Things you are looking forward to:
1. Baby Cheyenne to be born
2. Parents coming to visit
3. Christmas Break
4. Saturday College football
5. Friday night's football game vs Jackson
6. Summer vacation to Washington (& Sun Lakes)
7. AFCA convention in Nashville, Tennessee

Seven People I tag:
2. else 
3. wants 
4. to 
5. fill
6. this 
7. out

Sunday, October 19, 2008

"Tagged" by Natasha (& Josh & Heath)

Eight TV Shows I like to watch:
(With the exception of #1 I only ever watch reruns)
1. The Hills
2. Law and Order
3. King of Queens
4. Everybody Loves Raymond
5. Wheel of Fortune
6. Prison Break
7. America's Next Top Model
8. Seinfeld

Eight things that happened yesterday:
1. I cleaned everything
2. I went grocery shopping
3. Watched football with Jeff
4. Jeff took the Young Men to clean the highway
5. We went to a new member baptism in our branch
6. Jeff went to a coaches meeting for 4 hours.
7. I made a giant candy bar card for our Bishop's birthday
8. It was finally cool enough to leave the door open all day, now the house smells fresh

Eight Favorite Places to Eat:
1. Johnny Carinos
2. Outback
3. Red Robin
4. Olive Garden
5. Panda Express
6. Jamba Juice
7. Great Harvest Bread
8. On Rice

Eight things I am looking forward to:
1.  Holding my daughter for the first time
2. Watching Jeff hold her
3. Not being fat anymore
4. Training for a marathon
5. Seeing our parents
6. Christine and Michelle coming to visit me (hopefully!)
7. Jeff starting his Master's Degree
8. Figuring out how to stop the black mold from continually forming in our bathroom.

Eight People I tag:
1. Jeff ...but I am making it 7, your lucky number (instead of 8)
2. Dana B
3. Jenny O.
4. Kristen S.
5. Kecia G.
6. Emily W
7. Andree M
8. Jenny V.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Baby Shower at Pinnacle Bank

This is Melanie, Holly, Samuel (Holly's baby), me and Jennifer.  I met these three girls at Pinnacle Bank only three months ago, and they got together to throw me a baby shower! It was sooo nice of them I literally started to cry when they told me they were doing it for me (which lately actually isn't that big of a deal since I have found myself crying over the stupidest things).  But I was so touched and it was so thoughtful of them to do this for me, I didn't think I would be having a shower here since I didn't know very many people.  The next picture is a picture of everyone that came to the shower.

There were people I worked with and people from church.  I couldn't believe how many people came since I haven't known any of them longer than three months!  Everyone was so generous and thoughtful.  It was so much fun to have a shower and talk about the coming of my little baby Cheyenne:)
This is one of the gifts I got.  It is a diaper bag with Cheyenne's name embroidered on it and it matches my nursery!! I thought it was so creative.  I am so grateful to the girls who threw the shower and to everyone who took the time out of their day to come.  It really meant so much to me!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

32 weeks Pregnant

Well, here are the 8 month prego pics.  Its so weird, because I don't really feel as big as I look.  I mean I feel bigger than my normal self and I am often uncomfortable, but when I see myself in a picture I don't feel like I am that big!  Anyway, I still have 8 weeks left so unfortunately I will probably get a lot larger.   I went to the Doctor on Friday and the appointments are pretty quick and not so exciting anymore.  He said everything is looking good and I only gained 3 pounds last month, so that is good.  Down from the 8 pounds I gained each of the two months before.  I am really looking forward to the pregnancy part to be over with, I already have my exercise schedule all planned out.  It is gonna be a relief to get back in shape.  More than my stomach and hips being big, I am frustrated with my lack of muscles.  I can't believe how fast they disintegrated.  My arms and legs are so wimpy and flabby!  Hopefully I will follow through with my exercise plan and not be lazy:)  We are also so excited to meet little Cheyenne, so this last trimester is going by painfully slow.  Usually I take these pics on thursdays (when I actually turned 32 weeks) after work, so my hair is done and make up is on, but I make it a point to not do my hair and makeup on Saturdays, and this weekend was conference so today I didn't do it either.  Sometimes it just feels so good to be lazy!! On a side note, does anyone know the best way or even if you can print these blog pages out?  I think it would be a good journal/scrapbook that I could print out and put in a book or something.  Does anyone else do that? 

Saturday, October 4, 2008


So one of the questions I am most frequently asked so far in my 8 months of being pregnant is "have you had any cravings?"  I always reply the same that I haven't really craved anything, mostly food just doesn't taste as good and I am more easily disgusted by smells of things.  I used to LOVE hamburgers and now, they gross me out.  I can eat one, but it is really unpleasant and unenjoyable the entire time, and I usually can't finish it.  Before I was pregnant, I would often eat two hamburgers, plus tons of french fries.  Well recently I discovered there is one thing that I can't get enough of... milk!  This comes at a bad time considering the ridiculous cost of a gallon of milk these days, but I love it more than anything.  The past three weeks we have gone through 6 gallons of milk, and I never see Jeff drinking any of it, so I am confident that it is mostly me.  And Jeff thinks it is gross, but I have to have it with lots of ice to make it super cold.  I drink two or three tall glasses every morning and I drink it with every meal no matter what we are eating, I drink one or two tall glasses when I get home, and I drink it at night as a snack.  I don't know if this is good or bad, but it just tastes better than anything else right now and I suppose there are worse things I couldn't get enough of.  Is this a craving??? I don't know, but I do know one thing... we are spending way too much money on milk!!