Thursday, October 23, 2008

Final Tag

I went to Eli and Brittany's blog to watch a hilarious video of Eli making Grady dance to a song called ice cream and cake.  I had seen it last night and needed another good laugh (go see it if you haven't yet) anyway, while visiting their blog, I discovered I had been tagged again.  I am starting to see a lot of different tags and am sure they could get out of control so I have decided this will be the last one I post on here.  I wasn't going to do anymore after the last one, but this one looked fun and I am waiting for Jeff to get out of the shower to go to bed anyway... so here it is:)
"The Husband Tag"

Where we Met:  At church in December 2003.  I was home from Dixie for Christmas and Jeff had just gotten off his mission.  I went to church with my step-brother Spencer and they went to high school together, first they sat by each other in the institute ward and people got mad at because they were talking so much.  Then we were in Ferndale II ward and my Mom stopped him and introduced us.  She said, "Jeff, this is my daughter Stacey."  He said something like, "I would like to get to know you more, do you want to go to dinner tomorrow night." 

How long we Dated before we got Hitched:  Long distance for 1 and a half years, but I was home during the summers, it didn't get serious until about January before we got married.

How long we have been Married: 3 years and 3 months.

What is my favorite feature about him: Hmmm... tough question.  Love his big blue eyes and long eyelashes, blonde hair, and his smokin body!

What is my favorite quality about him: He is so fun to be with, he loves me and makes me happy, he works hard, always helps around the house without complaining or making me feel guilty I am not doing it, and he has such a strong testimony of the gospel, he is a good example to me!

What is his nickname for me: Boo, Stacers, Wifey

His favorite color: umm... I have no idea.  He looks really good in baby blue... He would probably say purple and gold or black and gold, I'll see if you can figure out why...

His favorite food: He loves everything.  I would say any kind of meat.  He was also recently talking about how his mom used to make the best Manicotti (I need that recipe!)... I can't think of much he doesn't like.

His favorite sports: Football, basketball, baseball, and golf (to him those are all that exist)

Who said the L word first: I honestly have no clue.... I think possibly he could have said it to me in an email or instant message... hahahha, I really don't know.

First kiss... When and Where: Our second date... this is a funny story and he might be mad if I told it, haven't told many people.  Anyway, we were at his house at the end of the second date, I had told a story of how when I was a senior in high school and my mom (Sylvia) and step dad (Steve) were dating, I was coming home from some sort of practice and walked in on them making out on the couch, which Jeff thought was the funniest thing since my step-dad used to be in the stake presidency and no one would ever think of him making out with his girlfriend... anyway, so I had told that story the day before on our first date.  I was about to go home and we were in his living room at his parents house and he said very quickly, "Wanna pull a Steve and Sylvia?"  In my head I was like "What? Gross..."  Then he kissed me and even though I was totally grossed out with the comparison to my mom and step-dad it was okay because I was kissing Jeff and I was pretty excited about that:)

Favorite Couple thing to do: Snuggle on the couch and watch tv (I will watch football for him sometimes and he will watch sitcoms for me), bike rides, playing basketball, lifting weights.

How many kids: 1 on the way, someday anywhere from 3 to 5.

His hidden talent: He is good at cooking and he is really good at making other people feel good about themselves.

His age: 27

His favorite music: He loves r&b and rap, but is also likes country, because he thinks he is too old for the other kind of music, but I always catch him listening to it so I know its still his favorite.

What I admire most about him: Everything... I guess one thing especially that I haven't already talked about is that he is so good at teaching.  He is way better than I was.  He connects so well with the students, has great control, and really knows every sport really well to teach the correct way to do it.  He would come teach my classes a couple times at Kearns for practice and I was jealous at how good he was at it.  All my students liked him way better than me!!  And he loves his job, which makes a happy wife!!

His favorite pastimes: Playing sports, lifting weights, watching football, basketball or baseball, and sleeping.

Will he read this: Yes, he looks at our blog everyday to see if his family wrote a comment... (he LOVES his family so much), he wouldn't admit that he looks at it everyday, but he does:)

I tag: Everyone who reads my blog! I want to hear about you and your husbies!!



Jenny said...

I laughed out loud when I read about Jeff. The kiss story is so funny. Jeff is an awesome little brother and I am glad he is a great husband. I can't wait to wach him as a dad!

Natasha Holmquist said...

HHAHA oh my gosh!! That is so funny the first kiss thing! And then I thought of your mom and step-dad making out. haha Woowoo!

connie and frank said...

I'll bet Steve and Sylvia are going to love this one. Jeff, I think the last time I made Manicotti was when you were home. I am glad you guys are happy and forget the tag thing, you already know everything about Frank.

The Wilson Pratt Wilson Family said...

Haha, your question whether it was spit up or poop made me question whether or not I really should have put that picture on there...but I did (oops!) and it is POOP. Yep, poop. Gross huh? The crazy thing is that she was completely laying down and somehow it ended up right there on my shirt. Crazy! Oh, and to your other question...Reagan is 4 months old. Too young to be wearing 18 month clothes.