Wednesday, October 29, 2008

36 weeks pregnant!! Almost there...

Sorry, I know I just posted like 50 times, but there were so many pics I had to put some up and write about them.  This blog is sort of taking the place of my journal.  Anyway here are my 36 weeks prego pics (tomorrow I will be 36 weeks, so they are sorta a day early).
Just 4 more weeks left.  To you this may sound like not long at all but to me it feels like eternity!! The worst part is that it could still be even 6 weeks because she could be up to two weeks late!  NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Hahah, I really haven't minded being pregnant up until about 28-30 weeks, then it started to suck.  I am wondering how I am ever going to convince myself to go through this again.  Hopefully next time I will stay in better shape, that will probably help.  Anyway, I will take another picture at some point before I deliver, probably my due date, so here is the second to last one:)  I have a Doctor's appointment tomorrow, then I start going every week.  I just keep thinking, wouldn't that be so awesome if I went to the Doctor tomorrow and he said okay you can have it right now!  Only in my dreams...I will be impressed if she arrives on the due date and not late.  I guess I will just have to be patient and think only of the money I am making while I am working instead of giving birth.  I really really really hope I don't get too much bigger... only time will tell.


Natasha Holmquist said...

You aren't even big! I mean your belly is PREGNANT because little Cheyenne is in there :) but to me it looks like everything else is the same! And don't worry. It might never seem like it right now, but if worse came to worse and you were 2 weeks late, the moment you see her that will be the last thing on your mind! But I bet you won't be 2 weeks late, that only happens to unlucky people, like me!!

The Lilly's said...

You look fantastic, you'll bounce back so fast because you've kept excercising this whole time. I agree, that last month is hard, it's so full of anticipation and the "unknown". Hang in there!

The Wilson Pratt Wilson Family said...

"...that only happens to unlucky peoplem like me!!" ... and me too. UGH! But really, it's not that bad. I totally jinxed myself because as soon as 37 weeks hit, I was like, alright, little girl, time for you to come! And so I was really anxious for about five weeks, haha, it was awful and I definitely learned my lesson to just be okay with when she felt the time was right! ENJOY your last little while with her in your tummy. It is so fun to have them out to play, but there is nothing like being pregnant and being THAT close to your baby, who is wiggling around and such. Hope you aren't too uncomfortable though, you look great! OH, and don't worry, you will get used to the poop/spit up all over you RIGHT AWAY. Survival mode kicks in, haha. (Sorry about the long comment)

Kristen said...

Oh Stacey! You look great! I can't believe you are 36 weeks! Miss you guys!

connie and frank said...

you look awesome. I know you don't want to hear it, but enjoy each day. THE time will be here soon.
love ya

Spencer & Nikki said...

It is hard to talk yourself into getting prego again, trust me. I keep asking people how do you do it all over again? Labor was not bad at all it is just being prego for 9 months that kills me. You are going to do great. Stick in there. You look great!