Sunday, August 4, 2013

Random summer pics

 Before I got crazy and chopped off my hair!

 snuggle bugs!

 I walked in one day to find them like this after their bath. I had set up a movie for them, but they were too tired!

 Playing on mommy and daddy's phone.
I am finally all caught up!! That is all the pictures from the computer anyway, I have a bunch on my phone I want to add too. So far the summer has been good, but a little crazy with basketball and volleyball. This is usually my most relaxing time of year and this year it was the most stressful. I am bummed because usually aug, sep and oct are pretty chill for me, but now they will be crazy as well. Hopefully I can make it out alive!

 This summer weather has been super weird. It has rained probably 3-5 days every week this summer! On the nice days we try to take advantage of it and play in the sun! This summer, I watched a little girl a couple days a week for 5 or 6 weeks. She was so so so sweet and got along really well with Cheyenne and Berkeley.

 Destroying the fort we built!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Savannah's camping Birthday

 Our little friend Savannah had a camping birthday party up in Helen in the mountains. It was so much fun! Lots of kids:)
 Here's the cute birthday girl! She turned two:)

 The girls loved those little caterpillars!

 These girls can be so silly sometimes!
 I went for a run, and was about a mile or two out, running really fast down the steep hill when I tripped on my shoelace and ate it hard! It was extremely painful, I couldn't even get up, I had to roll off the road into the grass. I had no idea how I was going to get back to the campsite. It was excruciating pain for about 20 seconds, then my fight or flight response kicked in and it got pretty numb. I hobbled back to the campsite. You cant tell how bad it is in these pictures, but I still have a significant scar on my shoulder and my knee doesn't hurt anymore, but my knee cap is all lumpy and misshapen now. It sucked.

This girl loves her chips!

Not pictured, tubing down the river, checking out the awesome town of Helen, intense games of mafia by the fire, getting rained out the last night and day... a good time had by all:)

Layla's bday party and fostering a kitty!

 For some reason, we took a thousand pictures at Cheyenne's little BFF, Layla's 5th birthday party. Cheyenne and Layla just have this special little connection, they really get along so well.

 Right before we left for the party, we had some other friends over and this little bunny came bounding out of the woods into our front yard, as it got closer, I realized it wasn't a bunny but a teeny tiny kitten! We got it some tuna fish and water and kept it for two days. The girls fell in love with it, but Jeff and I kept sneezing. I was watching a little girl and the mom loved it so they kept it! It worked out perfectly!

 The park the party was at had a little stream to play in. The girls had so much fun sliding on the rocks.

 Everyone loved the kitty.
 As we were playing in the water, I noticed this sign:
 grrrrrreat.... thankfully, we didn't see any.
 We rocked the red, white and blue outfits, because it was Memorial Day.