Thursday, March 28, 2013

silence is never a good sign....

 I noticed I hadn't heard Berkeley in a while, I went in the kitchen to get a drink and this is what I found.... well, actually she had her hand in the bag shoving handfuls in her mouth, but I took the bag away before I got the camera.
P.S. This was over a month and a half ago, many posts still to come.

Mommy and Berksie

Suck your thumb. All the cool kids are doing it.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Making pancakes with Daddy

Grandma Connie and Grandpa Frank Visit

 Grandma Connie and Grandpa Frank came to visit for a few days during basketball season. We just love when they come to visit!! It wasn't long enough!!! The girls had so much fun being showered with attention and being taken on walks around the neighborhood and they even took us to Papa's Pizza and Red Robin while they were here!!  We were so sad when they had to leave... we wish they could come live with us in Georgia!

 The last day they were here Cheyenne was supposed to go to preschool, but we just had her stay with us to spend more time with Grandma and Grandpa. Jeff took the day off school and we all went to Atlanta and did a little shopping while we were there. Jeff got this awesome new coat that he loves with a gift card that Connie and Frank gave him for Christmas!

 I wish I would have done my hair, because then these would be super cute pictures! I even love the one with Berkeley screaming, that is real life y'all!!

 I took Cheyenne to Victoria's Secret and put some sparkles on her eyes and lip gloss on her lips. She kept closing her eyes for the picture and posing. It was so cute how you could tell she felt so beautiful. I was thinking I should do a little date night with her and I sometime and take her in one of those stores and put make up on her and we can go to eat or something. She was seriously in heaven, it was so cute.
Thanks for visiting Connie and Frank! We hope we will see you soon:)

Cheyenne's first bloody nose

 When Jeff has home games, we sit in his office and the girls play and I can watch the game through the glass and I don't have to watch the girls because there is no where they can go and I can focus on the game. I love it! Anyway, the girls were wrestling or something and Cheyenne started crying, I look down at her and she had blood all over the bottom half of her face! I quickly grabbed the wipes and wiped it up, then stuck some toilet paper up her nose. We left in the toilet paper for about 30 minutes, and everything was fine. You can tell by the above picture, Berkeley didn't feel very bad about it.

Jeff had a really good basketball season with kind of a disappointing finish by losing the first round of state. They were 20-9 overall and have some really good players coming back next year. Overall, a great season for Jeff and his team!

Bathtime gets us through the Winter!

 It has been so much colder this winter than previous winters here in Georgia! It only snowed once and it didn't even stick, but it has just felt so freezing every time we go outside! I think by this time last year we were already playing outside in the water, so I am really itching to get our swim on!! In order to fulfill this need, I have been giving the girls a bath almost everyday. They love playing in the tub together, but both hate getting their hair washed. They also love pretending to be Ariel and splash up to a scorpion type yoga pose like she does on the rock while yelling, I mean singing, "part of your WORLD!!!!"


 So this was a couple months ago, (I am way behind again!) but Cheyenne was wearing this old set of hair extensions every single day and we couldn't even get her to take them off at night! This day was so funny because I had just painted her nails and then she wanted sparkles on her eyes and lipstick on too. Then I went to do something and came back and she was out. I just thought it was so cute and weird looking at the same time thanks to the fake hair! She wears them because she wants to have brown hair and look like Mommy. If I have my hair in a ponytail she makes me put the extensions in her hair and then put her hair into a ponytail. So funny!

 Berkeley is still so cute and developing a very distinct personality. She also has reached the point where she never stops talking. She is really funny and makes me laugh all the time. We are LOVING the stage she is at right now, she is just so sweet and cute and wants to snuggle all the time. The only thing I am not liking is lately she will never get dressed. She screams and throws a tantrum and says, "its diwwwwty!! Its diwty!!! (dirty)" So awful.
What we have been up to lately:
  • basketball season ending
  • volleyball club season
  • quitting jobs
  • getting new jobs
  • trimming down and toning up
  • gymnastics classes (Cheyenne)
  • learning to read (Cheyenne)
  • learning colors, letters and counting (Berkeley)
  • freezing our tails off
  • loving life

Stay tuned hopefully for a million blog updates:) By the way, it has been freezing here! Like highs in the 40s and 50s and lows in the 30s!! That is crazy cold for GA in March! I am SO ready for warm weather. I can't wait to go camping, go to Sandy Creek, run through the sprinklers, go to the beach, everything! Georgia spring weather come soon!!!