Saturday, July 27, 2013

Mother's Day!

 One thing about Jeff is that he never disappoints on holidays! Especially my birthday, Mother's Day, Valentines and Christmas. He is pretty awesome, I must say. He grilled me the most amazing food ever! Usually I am a meat girl, but those veggies were the best thing I have ever tasted in my life and I almost ate all of them and then barely had any steak!

 Berkeley was napping while Daddy was cooking, but I got a picture with my sweet little Cheyenne! It was such an awesome Mother's Day!
OH! I almost forgot! They gave me the best gift I have gotten yet! A little flip book that said 10 reasons we love you and each page had a picture of me with them and reasons why they love me. Jeff even laminated it and had it on a little ring. I love it so so so much and it was so thoughtful. I will put a picture up on here when I get a chance! Even though sometimes it seems like so much work and I am like what the heck was I thinking this is too hard... being a mother is the biggest blessing of all time! I am so lucky with the sweetest and cutest girls I could dream up, I just forget how lucky I am to have them sometimes. And especially with Jeff not coaching football and being home so much more now, life is great!

Preschool Co-op!

This was the last day of Cheyenne's preschool co-op. We did it all year long and got through the entire alphabet and I think it was like 20-25 sight words:) The girls had so much fun together. The saddest part is that these two girls up above moved as soon as the year was over:( Brielle (left) moved to Utah in July and Sadie (right) moved to Washington in May. Cheyenne was really sad to have them leave. The whole time she also actually thought Afton was moving to Africa as well to live with the lions because that's what she told her. I think she believes me now that she is staying since it is only the two of them left:) Berkeley loved to tag along, but usually came and snuggled by me when it was their play time, then when we would be doing school time she would sneak in the playroom and play with all the toys I made them leave behind! I'm so glad we did this and Cheyenne really ate it up. She just LOVES learning. Anytime it was playtime she really wanted it to be school time again.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Tugaloo State Park

After we had so much fun camping in Helen last fall, we were waiting all winter for the warm weather to hit so we could go camping! It usually gets super hot here by the end of May so we planned to go in early May. The day after our reservations were made, we checked the weather and saw that it was supposed to rain on our second night! I tried so hard to get out of the reservations, but they were sticklers! Nothing worse than camping in the rain! So, we decided to just go for one night.
We arrived and this was our campsite!! Isn't it beautiful?

 Berkeley was in the middle of potty training, so we just brought her potty with us and there were no accidents- yay!
 Roasting marshmallows by the fire with the best view ever!
 Mommy making the tin foil dinners!

 The girls love camping!

 Our friends thankfully let us borrow their canopy, and we were glad we had it because it rained all night long! And it was loud and there was some dripping in our tent. We did not sleep well at all... The next day after an amazing breakfast of pancakes, sausages and eggs, we went for a walk. We decided it would be fun to walk along the beach back to our campsite... let's just say that was not the best decision.
 It got a little scary, and we may have gotten almost trapped a few times, but we made it! We were filthy, but we made it! And Cheyenne must have thought we were going to die or something, because she was super proud of her dad for protecting her against the bears and bringing her back to her campsite safely. She kept saying little things like, "my daddy keeps us safe." Or "All the bears and snakes are scared of my daddy." It was pretty cute.

 After our little adventure, we were all dirty and really wet and really tired from not sleeping well, so we waited for a break in the rain, then packed all our wet camping stuff up and headed home. It wasn't perfect, but we had fun and the campsite was beautiful even if it was wetter and shorter than what we had hoped for!
This camping trip was a sign for our summer!! It has rained almost everyday!! CRAZY!!

Volleyball Banquet

 We had our club volleyball banquet at Shokitinis. It is this asian sushi place and you can rent out a room for karaoke. Cheyenne and one of the girls' little sisters sang twinkle twinkle little star, Cheyenne loved it.
 The volleyball girls loved it too!
 This is my assistant coach, Lizzie, who moved back to London after the season was over. It was her second year coaching with me, so it was sad to have her leave.

 These are my two girls that will be on my high school team. It was my second year coaching each of them, so this year will be my third season with them!

 The whole team, minus one girl who couldn't make it. They were a fun group of girls:)

Sunday, July 21, 2013


I don't think I ever posted about Berkeley being potty trained... probably because it is still a sort of work in progress. 90% of the time she pees in the potty and always poops in the potty, but randomly she will pee her pants and it is so annoying! Like, the other day we were all just sitting there eating breakfast and she just peed while eating at the kitchen table, but she even gets up in the night if she has to go potty... I tried putting her feet in warm water when teaching her, but it didn't really work. My kids are a little hard to potty train because they have big bladders and only go about 2-3 times a day. 

This is our first time in 4.5 years with no kids in diapers and we are LOVING it!!! 

Outdoor volleyball tournaments

 I played in two outdoor volleyball tournaments this summer. I love them, they are so fun. It is just a day in the sun, getting tan, and playing volleyball all day long. The first I played with my assistant coach, Lizzie. She played middle at UGA and played in the olympics for Great Britain. It was fun, we made it out of pool play, but lost the first round of tournament.

 The second tournament I played with Kelsey, she just finished her first year going to school at UGA, but she was a great high school player and played for our club the years before. The competition was a lot better in our pool this time, and we got 3rd out of 5 teams, and only top two went to tournament. It sucks too, because one of the teams only beat us by two points and they ended up winning the entire thing, which I think was like  $400 a person!
It was fun, but not quite as much fun as it used to be when I played all the time. I am pretty inconsistent, especially with serving! I can't wait til the girls are older and Jeff and I can split up and play with them:)