Friday, October 23, 2009

Cheyenne's brush with death

The good thing about Cheyenne being sick is that she is very cuddly... here she is in her adorable hospital gown:

Okay so the title is a little over dramatic.... but has any mom out there felt like their child was so sick you were just a little scared they might die?? Deep inside I knew she wasn't going to die, but I couldn't help but be worried because she had a fever ranging from 101 to 104.5 from Saturday at noon (a couple weeks ago) until Thursday morning. I swear she took almost the entire container of Tylenol AND Motrin, and nothing was improving. We first decided to call the on call Doctor on Sunday night when her temperature was 104.5. I spoke to her and let her know she had no other symptoms that were visible to me, just the fever. She suggested I take her to the ER. I got all of her stuff together and my Dad and I left to take her there around midnight. On the way there we discussed what we thought they would do and we decided most likely they would probably just give her a prescription (after sitting in there for hours and probably being surrounded by even more germs) for some type of antibiotic that we wouldn't be able to fill until the next morning anyway. We flipped it around and headed back home deciding taking her to the ER would be a waste of time and money. Well I was up pretty much all night that night and the next morning her fever was gone and all was well... then that night she had a fever again of 103.5, luckily our Dr's office is open late on Mondays so we took her in (after we officially signed the papers for our home loan, we had to get two different loans a temporary and a permanent, it is a long story, but anyway it is official now, so that is good). The Doctor checked everything out and said everything looked great but he was concerned about the fever. He said if it was not gone by the next morning to bring her in.... (ANNOYING, they didn't do anything and it cost me $30....) the next morning she still had a fever, but I wasn't going to bring her in again for them to tell me just to come back. That afternoon the doctor called me to see how she was doing and I told him the same as before, so he said to bring her in the next day. I agreed and the next day when nothing had changed brought her in again (Another $30 for them to say okay take her to the hospital... couldn't they have told me over the phone??? Scammers...). Still didn't know what it was but decided it would be best to send her to the hospital for tests just in case. The biggest concern was of a UTI which she would have to actually be admitted to the hospital for if that was the case. Anyway, so I called Jeff and he took a sick day off of work. We spent all day in the hospital (most of the time in the waiting room). They had to put a catheter in her to collect a urine sample as well as poke her with all sorts of needles for blood tests, etc. The results all came back great and still no one knew the problem. I was relieved that the test results were good but couldn't help but be slightly irritated that we had spent all that time (and I am sure it will be expensive, haven't got that bill yet...) and there was still no solution. They told me to bring her back to the Doctor the next day and I said FORGET IT! No one knows what the heck is going on, everyone is just guessing, so if something new happened, I would have brought her in, but everything stayed the same and it went away a day or so later. I still don't know what it was... she did have a rash the last day in the hospital so some were suggesting roseola, but as I was reading about it online, there are some things that don't line up so I don't really think that is it... who knows... The important thing is she is healthy and fully recovered now... and we have an adorable mini hospital gown for a souvenir... I joke about the money, but I know it is most important that Cheyenne is healthy... one thing I did learn is that Doctors are most of the time just guessing, but it is a really educated guess, as opposed to my reading on the internet and guessing.... I felt like it was a waste of money to bring her to the doctor, but in all actuality it put my mind at ease knowing it was nothing super serious, so I guess it was okay. Like I said, I am just happy it is over!!


Kristen said...

I know how you feel. My kids have had fevers with no other symptoms before too. You take them to the dr and all they say is it is some kind of virus. It is frustrating not knowing exactly what it is.
But it is also reassuring knowing it is nothing more serious otherwise you would be driving yourself crazy at the possibilities of what could be wrong. It is so scary when they are so little and can't tell you where it hurts.
I am glad she is better now! She is such a sweetie!!!

connie and frank said...

I am so glad that little Cheyenne is feeling better. She is such a sweetie. Love ya
grandma connie

The Lilly's said...

There's nothing worse than a sick baby and trying to decide whether they need to be seen or not. I'm so glad she's ok now!

Rach said...

yay i can finally see your cute blog again!:)

Hope everything is back to normal for the little girl, that must have been pretty scary, i probably would have been freaking out.

Also I am beyond impressed with your mile time in the 5k you won, SO awesome! post more about your other races!

Spencer & Nikki said...

That is crazy... that makes me mad to when they can't figure out what the heck is wrong. I am glad that she got better on her own. It is good to check out your blog. Looks like you guys have been having fun.

Yates Family said...

I'm so happy she is okay! She is so cute and getting SO big - I can't believe it! What a sweetie. You are a great mom Stacey...

kado! said...

glad she is better now! that can be scary! yep...Dr. copays are just part of life now...there are no coupons for those!!! ;)

the hospital gowns are cute though...we have a couple from each of the boys having surgeries...but definetly not worth the bill you are gonna get! ;)

...I was gonna call you soon...and save me typing you an e-mail!

Unknown said...

ok stacey...time for a new post!