Monday, September 20, 2010

Cheyenne, Dollies, and Pregnancy

Dollies Left to Right: Carly, Lisa, Eddie, Devin, Baby

These cabbage patch dolls were mine when I was little. I had about 100 other ones too, but these ones were in the best shape so I decided to bring them home. I remember playing with my friends when I was little and we would play house and all my friends would want to have 1 or 2 babies, but I would feel so bad leaving any of my dolls out, I always would have 12 or 13 babies! haha... I used to line them all up on the couch for "Family Picture Day." Here is Cheyenne for "Family Picture Day."

Actually I put her in her "spot" on the couch (she thinks this is her spot and will try to push Jeff or I out of it if we sit there, but we don't usually move, because we don't want her to push our guests out if they happen to sit there! Anyway, so I put her there and then line up the dolls around her and she will either watch Sesame Street, Dora or Curious George. She sits so still the whole time just holding her dolls. It is so cute. Lately, Eddie (the little football player doll) has been her favorite and she takes him everywhere with her. They still have their same names from when I was a kid, except I had to change one of their names from Mona to Carly, because I put Cheyenne's baby onesie on her with the monogram, so I wanted her name to start with a C. Cheyenne doesn't really like the other boy doll as much because she has a hard time remembering and saying his name (Devin). She also calls Lisa, "Loosa" and Carly, "Cah-ly." I love watching her play with them because it brings back so many memories of when I was obsessed with them.

I put out some fall decorations and one day I took a picture of Cheyenne standing next to them. Now, seriously like 3 or 4 times a day Cheyenne runs over against the wall next to them and says, "cheese." Then when I don't do anything she says, "Mommy, I want a picture! Get the camera!" I have to explain to her we have already taken 100 pictures of it already, but she wont give up until I distract her with another activity. She is also always hugging and kissing them and holding their hands, it is so funny.

Changing the topic, I am starting to feel ready to have this baby. A few weeks or months ago I was having the hardest time connecting with this little girl inside of me, but lately all those feelings have been totally gone. I am really starting to get excited about having 2 girls and a little baby again. I know it is going to be so hard and I am still nervous for that, but I really feel like it is my little daughter in there and I can't wait to meet her. I think Cheyenne is going to love having a little sister, I can't wait to see her reaction.

We are still deciding on the name, but have narrowed it down to either Berkeley or Savannah. One day I will be stuck on Berkeley and the next it's Savannah... I guess we really might just have to wait until we see her. Feel free to leave your vote!!

I am almost 35 weeks along now, so I am getting there slowly but surely. Sleeping has been not so good, and the past four or five days I have been feeling so exhausted. I always wake up around 4 or 5 am to pee and my back is completely stiff, I can barely get up. My stomach will also be as hard as a rock, I don't know if that is a Braxton Hicks contraction or my stomach is just hard because I have to pee. Anyone know? It happens every single morning. Very weird, I don't remember that with Cheyenne.

Anyway, I am really hoping to go into labor naturally this time, but they don't let you go much past your due date here so I will probably end up being induced. I never did change my doctor, I feel okay about it. I don't love my doctors, but I don't really not like them either so I will just stay I guess. I will either get induced the 29th of October so that she will be born the 30th or if they don't induce on the weekend then I will change it to the 1st or 2nd of November so she will be born on the 2nd or 3rd... Yikes! I am nervous for the birth part, but I will have to talk about that in a different post.


Gr. & Gr. Slesk said...

Love the pictures. Cheyenne is just sooooo cute and has such a sweet personality.

Unknown said...

My goodness Cheyenne has grown up. She is a little lady now, not a baby. sniff sniff. As for the hard stomach, I'm guessing it is braxton hicks contractions. They are more common and start earlier with your second (and future) pregnancies than with your first. I'm sorry about the sleeping thing, ugh. I don't get great sleep now with a newborn, but at least when I am asleep, I'm cozy and comfortable, and I can sleep HOWEVER I want!

I love the name Savannah. I have ever since I read the Work and the Glory Series, and one of the characters was named Savannah. Weird that still remember that. I think it would be cute to have a Cheyenne and a Savannah.

The Lilly's said...

Of course, being from the Bay Area, I've got to vote for Berkeley. I've never heard of anyone with that name before, it's cute! I can't believe how grown up Cheyenne looks!

Robert and Robyn Anderson said...

cute update....I don't know why it wouldn't let me in before,

Laura Bradford said...

Awww cheyenne is getting so big! I can't believe you are almost done with your second pregnancy. I LOVE the name Savannah. After we have a Brooklynn I want to name another Savannah.

Southern Belle said...

Laura- I didn't know you were thinking of Brooklyn as a name, funny! We always think of the same names... we were considering Carter for Cheyenne!

Heather said...

It that the Cabbage Patch doll that came with a birthday noisemaker/blower? She was great for demonstrating the mouth-to-mouth technique.