Monday, September 27, 2010


It is Monday morning and I have a crazy day ahead of me... Cheyenne isn't awake yet, so I just had to do a quick blog post about church yesterday. We always start talking about going to nursery on Friday... anyway, I hadn't said anything about it and Cheyenne starting to bring up nursery. On Saturday we had a coach's party thing in Elberton and Jeff had to run to the field house on the way home. He ran in and Cheyenne and I were in the car and I said, "Cheyenne where are you going tomorrow?" and she said "nursery!" I couldn't believe she knew the answer. I always ask where are we going tomorrow, and the answer is always something different... maybe to a friends house or to the park, but she knew... Jeff was thinking maybe because he is always home the day before nursery or something. Anyway, she sounded excited and I was telling her she would get to have snack, and play with the toys and color, etc. Then she chimed in, "and clean up!" haha, she loves to clean up and sing the clean up song. It was so funny...

Fast forward to church on Sunday (keep in mind we haven't dropped her off in nursery yet without her crying when we leave). We were getting out of the car to go into church and I kept telling her about how it was almost time to go to nursery. During sacrament meeting she was super busy playing with all the toys I brought. We have the monkeys jumping on the bed book and I brought it and she would always say "no more monkeys jumpin on the bed!" She is not very good at whispering, so everyone got to hear that about 5 times... then she was of course singing the abcs and other random things she would think of... so sacrament gets over and I say that we are going to go to nursery. She wants me to hold her and she grabs on to me tight and lays her head on my shoulder. That was not a good sign. So I think, here we go, she is going to be tired and upset when I drop her off again. She stays clutched on to me while I make my way to the nursery, stopping to visit with a few people along the way. I walked into nursery and my previous visiting teacher just got called as the new nursery leader. She has been to our house several times, so I know Cheyenne recognized her. I was waiting for them to get the toys out and Whittney (the new nursery leader) asked Cheyenne if she wanted to come to her. I thought it was sweet, but didn't expect Cheyenne to accept. Cheyenne let go of me and reached out to her and then said loudly and happily while waving to me, "bye bye mama!" I was so surprised, and I think most other people were too who had heard her crying the last few weeks. I got so excited and happy! It seriously made my entire day! I smiled and waved bye to her and rushed out the door before she could change her mind. I hate having to leave her when she is crying, it felt so good knowing she felt good in there and would be having a good time. Hopefully this is how it will be from now on!! Just had to write about the experience since it was the highlight of my week!!


Karolyn said...

Ah! That is such a relief! I have a clinger right now and am already anticipating problems with nursery :( I LOVE the pic of Cheyanne and her dolls-she will be a good big sister! Can't wait for baby #2!

Stacey said...

Ah that is so good! I know how annoying it can be when they won't go in nursery happily! How great to have her see someone she recognizes and trusts!!

connie and frank said...

Cheyenne!! You are so cute!! Grandma Bennum says YAY!!! Cheyenne went to the nursery! Fun!!! Good job Stacey. You are a good mom.
love ya

Whittney Clark said...

That was such a sweet moment. She was perfect for the rest of the time too! Hopefully she will continue to like it!