Friday, June 5, 2009


  • She looks so innocent... don't be fooled. I think she is proud of herself! This is probably the fourth or fifth time this has happened to Jeff, and finally I got it on camera. He was playing with Cheyenne, holding her in the air above his head (one sure way to get a smile, and sometimes a laugh out of her). When without any warning she spit up all over him! I was sitting right next to him and when it happened I gasped. I ran to get something to clean it up with and then we both started to laugh. I asked him if I could please get a picture of it, which he wasn't too excited about because then he had to sit there longer with spit-up on his face! But we got the picture and cleaned up the mess:) 
  • I decided to run 16 miles tomorrow... I am dreading it. We will see tomorrow if I actually do it. 
  • We go to Washington in two and a half weeks, yay:) 
  • Here is another picture of Cheyenne playing with her giant stuffed doggy. She loves it!


Lisa said...

Yes, she does look innocent. Those blue eyes are amazing! I love her doggy pal, he's bigger than Cheyenne!

Natasha Holmquist said...

hahaha Oh that great! I love the picture you captured!! That's a keeper. Did you end up doing your 16 miles? That's awesome that you CAN do that! I about die when I run 3!

The Lilly's said...

Wow, Jeff is quite a sport. That's pretty nasty but those big beautiful blue eyes make it easy to forgive, I'm sure!

Dana said...

One day not long ago, I was holding Hannah up in the air over me and the same thing happened to me too! I actually got some spit up in my mouth, though. It was pretty gross. It's nice being back online! We look forward to seeing you guys soon! :)

Robert and Robyn Anderson said...

Funny....How is the house hunting? We close July 1st....We decided on the Walmart house, it was definately the best deal....I will blog some pictures soon.... Keep the updates coming, but could you please put some rock on your music list, I really dislike country. I know I'm really old...

Katy said...

Poor Jeff! It's funny how much everything changes when it's your own kid. How grossed out would he be if it were someone elses?? :) She is so big sitting up all by herself! So cute!