Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Sleeping Time

Every morning, Cheyenne gets up and I go get her and bring her back in bed with my while I nurse her and we both fall back asleep. She used to sleep for a really long time after that, but no longer. I am always still so tired and I try to sleep, but she grabs my face, scratches me with her tiny sharp nails, makes noises, crawls on my head, etc. Today I was taking a nap with her and I got up and Jeff laid down to sleep by her. I went to eat some lunch and get some other stuff done. I came back in about 45 minutes later, and she was just laying on his chest like this staring at him and talking. It was seriously the cutest thing ever. Especially because she never pays attention to Jeff, it is usually all about me. But today and yesterday she has been staring at Jeff and giving him lots of attention. Anyway, here are the pictures, they are so cute I think (oh and Jeff now knows how I feel every morning when I am so tired trying to sleep but she wont let me). Oh and Cheyenne has been making this little granny face all the time lately. I have yet to capture it on camera, but hope I will soon, because it is so funny!
P.S. Does anyone know why the above text is underlined? It does that sometimes and I have no idea why!


Kristen said...

She is so cute!!

Steve and Brittany said...

I love it! I have recently started bringing TJ in when he wakes up in the mornings to feed him too...and he does the same thing and I will be so tired and just wish he would sleep by me! It is so fun to see our babies in like all the same stages at the same time! Oh, and TJ's first tooth is coming in! I can feel it but not see it too much yet. :)

connie and frank said...

so cute.
she is getting so big and so cute.
wake him up Cheyenne!!!!
from grandma connie

kado! said...

Yep...you have the "above text" hyper-linked to one of the photos you added....I'm not sure how you did it....but if you click on the text it takes you to photo of Jeff and Cheyenne!

....love the cute pics! I remember well the early mornings of nursing...hoping I could get a few more minutes of sleep!!!

The Lilly's said...

That's awesome that you captured that in pictures...so sweet! I love the pic at the top where Jeff finally opens his eyes.

Laura Bradford said...

that is so sweet! I love how our babies are getting personalities! She is getting so big so fast!