Monday, September 14, 2009


Okay, sorry for the post overload... it is so much easier to do them all at once. Anyway, I have started to watch a little boy on Mondays and Fridays. He is soooo cute! He is 8 months old, but he doesn't crawl or anything yet, so it feels like he is much younger to me. Today was my first day and it went pretty well. He didn't take a nap, really, so he was pretty cranky by the end of the day. Luckily, he has a pretty quiet cry. He is a really sweet baby. It was really weird though, because it really made me realize how lucky I am with Cheyenne. Seriously, this kid is not a bad baby, but Cheyenne is just soooo easy I realized. She is just so mellow and goes with the flow. She barely needs any attention and is just so content exploring the house over and over again. She also sleeps really well through the night AND takes two or three long naps during the day. Anyway, this is only a part time thing a couple days a week, so I think it will be fine, but it was a long day! They were so cute together though, they would look at each other and try to touch each other. I am excited for them to get a little older and be able to interact a little more, and when Colin starts to crawl it will be more fun so they can follow each other around and stuff. Anyway, that's all for tonight:) I'm off to bed.


kado! said...

my opinion...your own kids are always easier to watch! ...having other peoples kids over to your house makes you really appreciate how much you REALLY love your own kids...even when they get older!!...LOL! might just be me...but that blue colored font is Really hard to read with your background color...just letting you know!

connie and frank said...

Looks like you will have your hands full a couple of days a week. That is not so bad. Cheyenne will have a friend to play with.
Connie and Frank

Unknown said...

I know it is hard watching 2 kids close in age. I have Carter everyday and it is so hard sometimes, especially the first couple of weeks. By the end of the day a lot of times I am spent. Luckily Carter takes pretty long naps and Cale is getting better, that way I can have a little time to myself.

Amelia said...

I am so impressed with all the things you are doing on the side to make/save money! I sometimes forget to check private blogs since they dont automatically populate on my google reader, so I had fun catching up on all your latest adventures! That is so amazing that you won the 5k, I asked Trent if he thought he could run a 6:49 minute mile for 3 miles straight... still not sure on that one. You look fantastic, I am sure it is all the running and running around you are doing as a mom. Still need to get Trent's schedule to you, cant wait to see yall again soon!

kado! said...

you went private and stopped blogging??!! lol! I came to check in on must be really busy! take care!

Megan said...

Haven't checked your blog in awhile but looks like things are going well. Love the brown hair! You won a 5k??? Awesome. I love Garage Sales as well. They make you feel so great that you find treasures at great prices. That's nice Checyenne is low key she is a cute little girl!! Is she a good sleeper. This is something we really struggle with Matthew over.