Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cheyenne's 2nd Birthday

We had a little combined birthday party for Cheyenne and her cousin Austin who had recently turned 6. I made an ice cream cake and the kids wore party hats. It was fun. My mom got the prize for the favorite present... she got Cheyenne a little Dora microphone. It was great entertainment for the kids for the rest of the time they were there. It was so cute to watch the girls dance around singing "we did it!!" I can't believe Cheyenne is two already... time has really flown by. At the same time it feels like she has been a part of our lives forever. We love her so much!
Austin and Cheyenne with their presents.
Watching Cheyenne open her presents.
The ice cream cake... I messed up a little with the frosting writing... it is harder than it looks!
Cheyenne with her playdough. The 2 and the 6 candles were on the wrong side of the cake!


Amelia said...

That cake looks so good! Good job Stacey! Happy birthday Cheyenne! I can't believe how big she is gettting!

Southern Belle said...

Where did baby Cheyenne go? I couldn't believe when I saw her on Sunday. happy Birthday!

Kristen said...

Glad she had a fun birthday! It is more exciting for them each year as they get older! Her hair is getting so long.

connie and frank said...

Looks like a fun party!!! Cheyenne is so pretty. Give her hugs for us.

Molly said...

When I first looked at the cake I thought, "Man!! Her handwriting is so cute! I can't write on cakes!" Way to go and Happy Belated birthday to Cheyenne.

We do need to get together - I haven't forgotten about you, promise. Let's plan a day next week to start working on your song. We're open, so just e-mail me and let me know what sounds good! Thanks!