Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Berkey Turkey

Cheyenne doesn't really have many nicknames that involve her actual name, but Berkeley's name is much easier I guess. I recently discovered her name rhymes well with Turkey and it always comes to my mind! Berkey Turkey, Berk the Turk, Berk, Broccoli, B squared, and Berkeley Lynn (the two first name thing) are all nicknames frequently heard in our house. The other day, my niece, Audrey was talking about how she loved the name Jordyn and I said so did we. I told her that was almost Berkeley's name. When we were picking names, Jeff was apprehensive about that name because he has a boy cousin named Jordan so it made him think of a boy. However, when we were having this conversation, he was like, I really really like the name Jordyn. Maybe we should change Berkeley's name to Jordyn. I laughed told him that I loved Berkeley's name, and he said he didn't like how everyone was calling her "broccoli." Haha, so I guess I will have to cool it with the nicknames for a while... I thought Broccoli sounded cute. It brought me back to elementary school and my maiden name is Blum. Everyone would call me Stacey BUM or Stacey PLUM. I was soooo embarrassed when they would say that! Isn't it funny?

Anyway about Miss Berkeley Lynn... she is the sweetest thing ever. She is such a good baby and rarely cries. She is back to sucking her thumb all the time, she is great at taking a bottle if I need to leave pumped milk with Jeff or a babysitter. She is army crawling all over the place and fast! If there is something she sees that she wants, she works her butt off to get to it. She is very determined, but not stubborn. She is very ticklish and her tiny laugh is adorable. She loves Cheyenne and loves to play with her. She puts everything in her mouth which is very stressful for me. It is so funny to me how I used to be so worried about loving another baby, because I just love love love this girl to pieces. She makes me want to have 10 more!! Not that I would, but that is how much I love my girls! She is eating all the baby food and also loves cheerios, those rice mum mum things, and juice/water combo in a sippy cup. It is so funny how the second kid gets raised so differently. I NEVER gave Cheyenne juice until she was like 18 months and if I did it was only because we were somewhere there was no milk. I also read to Cheyenne all the time and I barely ever read to Berkeley. It is so sad, but Cheyenne needs constant entertainment, and Berkeley doesn't seem to interested, but I know I should be reading to her more. Anyway, I just wanted to do a little post on Berkeley and her progress and share how much I love this little peanut!!

1 comment:

connie and frank said...

She is a little peanut. and I don't like broccoli either. Sad to think we hardly knew her as a tiny baby. Happy to know she is scooting around. They grow up soooo fast:D Don't blink!!!