Monday, April 16, 2012

Easter Sunday

Cheyenne with her Easter Basket:
The Easter Bunny gave Cheyenne a red shirt, because she loves the color red and it was the least expensive one he could find:) Both girls got red sunglasses and some watercolors and some pocky sticks and applesauce squeezers and chocolate bunnies and marshmallows:

Berkeley's chocolate bunny and new sunglasses:
Waiting to start the Easter Egg Hunt:
Our little Family:
Andrea and I were twins for the day:
Jeff and I:
My little Mommy's girl:
100% Daddy's girl:
My first niece, Audrey. We were twins too, with our matching hairstyles:

Sunday morning I woke up to a tiny tapping on our door. Austin and Cheyenne were awake and wanted to open their Easter Baskets. We got up and got our cameras ready and then Audrey, Ansley and Berkeley also woke up and they all got their baskets. They had fun looking at all their stuff. Then I did Audrey's hair with her new wavy iron. I also used it on myself since Jeff accidentally stepped on my recently repaired and expensive flat iron and crushed it. Thankfully, Jeff's mom had already sent me one of hers that she didn't use, so I am all good. Then we got the girls dressed and did the Easter Egg hunt. We were trying to give Berkeley a nap, but she wouldn't fall asleep so we let her go out and hunt for eggs in her diaper. Then we ate lunch and went to church.

After church the baking and preparation began for Easter dinner. We had ham, potatoes, sweet potatoes, peas, corn, rolls, and gravy. It was perfect and a perfect ending to a fun vacation!

Florida Spring Break Day 5

This day was the best day because we got to go to the beach with all of our families together! I forgot to take many pictures, but we really were all there:) Audrey, Austin, Ansley, Cheyenne and I dug this really big hole for the girls to play in. They had so much fun. Austin and Audrey flew kites. Jeff, Aaron, Audrey and Austin played catch and batted with the plastic bat. Berkeley ate all the food on the blankets. Finally at the end of this day we got Berkeley to play by the water. She walked on the compacted sand and let the waves go over her feet. We spent like 4 or 5 hours there and it was a great day. We came back to Aaron and Andrea's house after and grilled burgers and hot dogs for dinner. Then Andrea and I headed to Wal-Mart to get the final Easter needs:) Once again we had no kids so we could take our time and I think we spent over an hour there! Good times!

Florida spring break Day 4

Friday it was finally forecasted to be good weather all day long! We were so excited and got ready for the beach first thing in the morning. We stopped by Target to get some picnic supplies and headed for a day of fun at the beach. As we were driving over the bridge to get there the water was the most beautiful color it didn't even look real. I couldn't believe my brother lived 20 minutes from this paradise and that we lived driving distance from it. What a blessing! To me when I think of paradise, I picture a beach with white sand and water that color and palm trees everywhere. That's pretty much what it was! This picture doesn't even do it justice:
We had so much fun, a delicious lunch and Jeff and I even helped Cheyenne and Ansley build an intense sand castle. I got more Berkeley snuggle time in and I even got Berkeley to take a nap... it was pretty easy since she was scared of the sand and scared to move:) The only down side was that there were no bathrooms anywhere near! Next time I need to remember to go before we leave!

I think Berkeley practically ate this whole bag of Craisins herself

Jeff helping Cheyenne and Ansley:
Jeff and the girls by the sandcastle:
We asked someone to take a picture of us in front of the sandcastle, but they forgot to include the sandcastle. If you look closely you can see Berkeley sleeping under the umbrella in the background:
I made it romantic by adding a J+S! haha:)
I even got a little nap in:
She woke up crying when she saw the sand on her hand:
After the beach we went to Destin Commons to play in their splash park and playground. Perfectly awesome day!

That night Aaron and Andrea put our kids to bed for us so we could go on a date. We went to Destin and went out to Chili's (my new tie with Red Robin as my favorite restaurant). Then we got some candy at Wal-Mart to smuggle in my purse and we saw Titanic in 3D. It was really good except it was really long and it started at 9:45 so the last 20 minutes (around 1 am) I couldn't keep my eyes open. The coolest 3D part was when the heart of the ocean looked like it was coming out at you when she drops it in the ocean. It was a lot of fun to have a date with Jeff, although I don't know if the movie was worth the $28 we spent to go!!! Holy crap! Who can afford to go to movies these days? That will be our last one for the year... I don't think we had gone to see a movie together in several years and in one month we saw two (Hunger games)! Two dollar theatre is more my style:) We had lots of fun on the drive home and it was a good date! We are lucky we didn't hit any animals though because we saw about 15 deer on the side of the highway and a coyote ran across the road in front of us. We got home at like 2 or 3 in the morning and we realized it was almost an 8 hour date!! Holy cow! Thanks Aaron and Andrea!

Florida Spring Break Day 3

Thursday night, Audrey had a fast pitch game and Austin was supposed to have practice. We were excited to watch them both play. Right before we left to watch Austin practice it poured down rain so his practice ended up getting cancelled. We got to Audrey's game and got to see her get two hits and then she caught a pop fly! She plays "Rover" which is a position on their team that is between outfield and infield. She got player of the game and got to keep the game ball! We were so proud of her and so glad we got to see her best game of the year! During the game, Ansley and Cheyenne were playing a little rough and they both fell and hit their heads on the cement. Ansley had just gotten stitches out the week before, but thankfully she was okay. Cheyenne had a pretty big gash and bump, but she turned out to be okay as well. They loved that they both had band aids on their foreheads:)

Florida Spring Break Day 2

The weather was not the best for the beach, but it was still good enough for the park! Andrea let her kids stay home from school on Wednesday so we could spend more time with them. We all went to this awesome park they have there. I should have taken more pictures, you can't tell by this picture, but it is really awesome. It is all fenced in, it has a splash park in the middle and this big lake with ducks off to the side. I loved it. Athens really needs a good splash park! We had a delicious picnic and played there for a few hours. We went home and the plan was for Audrey to babysit so Jeff, Andrea and I could all go shopping in Destin. Just before we were about to leave, we discovered that Audrey doesn't know how to change poopy diapers, so Jeff was so sweet to volunteer to stay home with ALL the kids so Andrea and I could go. The kids all love him so they were excited about that.

Andrea and I headed off to do some shopping, it was really nice to take our time and look at things without having to chase after children. It was a lot of fun and I am glad we got the time to chat and have fun together:) Jeff made delicious lasagne, salad, and bread for dinner. I have a good husband:)

Florida Spring Break Day 1

We went to Florida to visit my brother Aaron and his family a couple weeks ago for Jeff's spring break. It was a fabulous trip:) We left Monday afternoon after I watched Anders. On the way down we stopped at Chic Fil A to eat and it was really delicious and a good break for the girls. We arrived Monday night. They had recorded the National Championship game for Jeff to watch. Jeff joins a little bracket with his friends every year and they each pay $10 to enter. One year Jeff won $40 or $50 and this year he won it all and won like $130 or something. Our plan is to get a new grill with that money since ours broke last year.

The next day we were so ready to go to the beach! I woke up and worked out with my sister-in-law Andrea and their little workout group. It was really fun. Then we got the girls ready and headed to the beach. It was overcast and a little chilly, but it was still beautiful. Cheyenne and her cousin Ansley had a blast playing in the sand together. Berkeley on the other hand freaked out when we set her in the sand. She was not a fan of the beach. Luckily we brought Ansley for Cheyenne to play with. It was kind of awesome that Berkeley didn't like the sand, because she just stayed on the towell and didn't move a muscle. Then she was also so snuggly, we got some good bonding time in:)

After we had been there about 45 minutes it started to rain giant cold raindrops so we left. We stopped at Godfathers Pizza Buffet for lunch and it was a rip off and not even good at all. It was not a good first day! The next couple of days, the weather was not so great and we were so worried we wouldn't get a day at the beach!

Berkeley was my snuggle bug:
Cheyenne and Ansley became best friends on this trip:
Ansley and Berkeley on the way to the beach:
Cheyenne and Ansley: