Monday, April 16, 2012

Easter Sunday

Cheyenne with her Easter Basket:
The Easter Bunny gave Cheyenne a red shirt, because she loves the color red and it was the least expensive one he could find:) Both girls got red sunglasses and some watercolors and some pocky sticks and applesauce squeezers and chocolate bunnies and marshmallows:

Berkeley's chocolate bunny and new sunglasses:
Waiting to start the Easter Egg Hunt:
Our little Family:
Andrea and I were twins for the day:
Jeff and I:
My little Mommy's girl:
100% Daddy's girl:
My first niece, Audrey. We were twins too, with our matching hairstyles:

Sunday morning I woke up to a tiny tapping on our door. Austin and Cheyenne were awake and wanted to open their Easter Baskets. We got up and got our cameras ready and then Audrey, Ansley and Berkeley also woke up and they all got their baskets. They had fun looking at all their stuff. Then I did Audrey's hair with her new wavy iron. I also used it on myself since Jeff accidentally stepped on my recently repaired and expensive flat iron and crushed it. Thankfully, Jeff's mom had already sent me one of hers that she didn't use, so I am all good. Then we got the girls dressed and did the Easter Egg hunt. We were trying to give Berkeley a nap, but she wouldn't fall asleep so we let her go out and hunt for eggs in her diaper. Then we ate lunch and went to church.

After church the baking and preparation began for Easter dinner. We had ham, potatoes, sweet potatoes, peas, corn, rolls, and gravy. It was perfect and a perfect ending to a fun vacation!


The Lilly's said...

Love the girls' little Easter hats, so cute!

connie and frank said...

oh my goodness. Love the little girls dresses, they are the cutest little girls!!!! Jeff's hair is getting long. Great family picture!!!! and what a fun Easter. The Easter bunny did really good...

Kristen said...

Very cute!