Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Coolest thing I have ever seen...

So when Mugs was visiting (see post below), she pulled out her stroller at the zoo... I asked, "oh? Is that one of those Phil and Ted strollers?" (for those who don't know they are really really really expensive, but so nice because they are like a single stroller but they carry two kids)... anyway, she said it was just her regular single stroller and they bought the Phil and Ted extra seat for $40-$50 and her husband welded the seat to the bottom of the stroller!!! I am sooo excited about this idea and I am hoping I can find someone with a welder and some welding talent to help me pull this off!!! That would mean I would only have to spend $40-$50 for a Phil and Ted-like double stroller, when they cost over $500 new!!! Isn't that amazing?? I am soo hoping I can pull it off!! Oh and she has used it for a long time because her baby is now over 1 year old, and it has been totally safe and awesome:)


connie and frank said...

Good idea, but I don't think Jeff has any experience in welding?
Maybe the lawnmowing boy down the street. Or welding class at the high school?

Rach said...

Brilliant!!!! Do it. Does Jeff's high school have a shop class? If so,I bet they could figure something out!