Saturday, December 24, 2011

She's Three!!

Cheyenne's Dora Party!!
She got this soccer Dora for her birthday which was my favorite, since I am really hoping my daughter will share my love of sports:
Berkeley playing Pin the Tail on the Donkey
Berkeley Lynn:
Cheyenne loves those olives!

Duck, Duck, GOOSE!
Cheyenne waiting for her friends to arrive... she was SO excited!
Berkeley in her party outfit:
A little birthday sign, the gift bags and Cheyenne's first 2 years of life shutterfly books (I usually have the new one for her birthday, but I haven't even started it this year!! I am so behind!)
I loved this, the frosting was so pretty, but it was kind of hard and tasted a little gross... hey, at least it looks good, right?

I was so busy thinking about Thanksgiving, when that was over, I realized Cheyenne's birthday was the next week! I thought about not doing a bday party especially since I hadn't planned anything and had a ton of other stuff on my mind, but Cheyenne is so obsessed with birthdays right now, I knew she would love it. I decided to do it during the day, because I wanted an adult to be with the kids, but it gets to be expensive and too much planning when you have moms and dads there, and Jeff didn't mind missing it.

Then deciding who to invite was so stressful. There are so many kids her age at church and she just loves everyone. I decided to have her tell me who to invite and that's how I decided! I wanted to limit it to 8 kids total, because that's all our table seats. With Berkeley and Cheyenne that left 6 kids to invite. She picked the kids she does pre-school with, the little boy I used to watch on Mondays, and of course her best friend Layla. I also wanted to invite a friend who was in town visiting, that we used to do playdates all the time with. It is so hard, because you don't want it to be so many kids, but at the same time you don't want to be exclusive. That's why I just had Cheyenne pick who she could think of, because then I didn't have to feel responsible:) Anyway, so I sent out a computer evite (thank goodness, I would never had time to send anything via snail mail!).

Then I took Cheyenne to Wal-Mart and let her pick out the plates (she chose Dora, of course). I decided to get little gift bags. We had all the stuff in the cart and she goes, "Mom you got way too much stuff for my birthday!" I thought it was so funny. I asked if she thought I should put it back and she said no.

When the kids got to the party, it was most everyone's first birthday party and they are still pretty young, so everyone was really shy. We played "Duck, Duck, Goose," then put on some music and started dancing around. Then we fed the kids lunch which was just a bunch of random stuff kids like: tiny hot dogs, ham, cheese, crackers, blueberries, bananas, pretzels, oranges, apples, chex mix, olives, pickles, yogurt, etc. After lunch, we played pin the tail on the donkey, which was okay, except some kids weren't ready to be blindfolded, so only a few of them played. Then I handed out the little gift bags while Cheyenne opened presents which was perfect, because at this age kids have a hard time sharing, so everyone was looking at their own presents when Cheyenne opened hers, so no one felt sad! Then the kids just played and we went outside and played sidewalk chalk as people left.

It was so much fun and I am so glad I decided to throw it together. I can't believe my little girl is already 3!!! Since she has turned 3, she has been more of a challenge, but I still love her so so so much!


lillie said...

I was doing some updating for primary and realized Cheyenne is 3 now and going to be a Sunbeam. How exciting, she is so cute. Sounds like a fun party!!

PS did you paint your dining room table, I don't remember it being white.

connie and frank said...

What a fun day!!! You are awesome! What a precious time:-) Everything sounded perfect!