Monday, December 26, 2011

Sponge Rollers

My friends Rachel and Molly at church are always putting sponge rollers in their girls' hair and I thought it was the cutest thing ever. I asked them how to do it and bought some. The first time I did it right after Cheyenne took a bath and that didn't work because her hair was too wet and never got fully dry. The next time I just used a spray bottle to dampen her hair and it worked. I don't really like it right when I pull it out, I think it looks weird all tight, but at the end of the day, it is sooo pretty when the curls have gotten looser. Also, the best part is that since you don't use hairspray or anything it looks really natural. Here is a before and after picture with the rollers. We call it "Princess Hair."
This was after her nap, she doesn't usually like when I take her pictures by the way:
It is the cutest thing when the girls would watch Christmas movies together. This was after their bath:


Molly said...

Cute! I noticed her yesterday at church and thought she looked so cute! How is Berkeley feeling?

connie and frank said...

Love it!!! Sponge rollers. Brings back memories!! But the results are sooooo cute!!!