Wednesday, August 6, 2008

24 Weeks Pregnant

I am not actually 24 weeks pregnant until tomorrow, but I got the urge to go jogging yesterday.  I went jogging everyday until we moved to Georgia, and I went about three times right after we moved here.  I thought I was done until I had the baby, but for some reason yesterday I wanted to run.  So I did, and amazingly I felt pretty good, but I didn't go more than two miles.  My stomach felt a little crampy, but not as bad as I thought.  So anyway, here I am finally starting to show more!! I am sure I will grow faster and faster toward the end.  

I have to share a funny story that happened last night too.  I was sitting on the side of the bed and Jeff was in bed waiting for me to finish putting cocoa butter on my stomach (I know everyone says it doesn't work, but it doesn't kill me to try!).  He was watching me then said, "man you are huge!!"  I was like, "what?"  He goes, "You have gotten really big." Pauses and stares. Then, "that looks uncomfortable!"  Hahhahaha!! I couldn't stop laughing.  I was like "Oh Jeff...."  I know he still loves me!  But he will probably be relieved when she comes out!


Nadia said...

Hi Stacey! looks so cute...but I'll have to disagree with Jeff, you still look tiny! You'll definitely grow faster these last months!

Peter and Lesha said...

Yeah he needs to look at lots of other prego women (well maybe he shouldn't hahah) no you look great and iyour only going to get bigger and then you will have her and you will ball your eyes out as you leave the hospital cause you still will look 6 months prego for about 3 weeks or so. Thats what happened to me anyway, it was funny the nurse had to pull me aside and asked Peter to leave and she said "are you ok to go home with your husband?, is everything ok?" It was funny I said "yes I just still look six months prego," she said "what did you expect." Anyway, you look amazing I can't believe you are running.

Natasha Holmquist said...

Man! Power to you. I never ran. I just walked, but once you stop running keep walking!! You recover a lot faster! You look GREAT! Have you felt the baby doing somersaults in your tummy yet?? It's so exciting to watch your belly get bigger, but at some point probably at the very end you might get frustrated with it, but don't take my word for it you might not! Just remember the reward you get, when she is finally here, is way beyond any happiness you will have ever felt or imagined :)

The Lilly's said...

You look so adorable, but it's just not fair that you're smaller than I am now, and Alex just turned one! It sounds like you're liking Georgia. I'm happy for you guys but I'm gonna miss having you at the football games this year. Take care!

Rach said...

i ran up until 6 months,...after that its hard to not pee your self:) the eliptical can be your best bud!

A Woman Who LIVED said...

You are really not looking very big at all, but I remember looking down and seeing the lower half of my body sowly disappear as the weeks went by. When your toes disappear then you're really big. What a cute pregnant woman you are!

Stan and Kristi said...

Only you could have the strength to go running while you are pregnant. Wow you barely look prego. You do look amazing.