Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thankful Thursday

1. I am thankful for smoothies!! I am drinking one right now and we ran out of milk, but we had chocolate milk, so I added that!!! AMAZING! 
Strawberry yogurt+frozen strawberries, blackberries, bannanas+ vanilla flavoring+chocolate milk+ TONS of ice= Crazy Delicious:)

2. I am thankful for Bath and Body Works scented oil!! It smells up the whole house so quickly and it smells sooooo good!! I want to collect every scent. Right now I have about 8 or 9 different ones and I love them all! Everytime I go into the store they usually have a scent on sale for 1 or 2 bucks so I buy it! The little containers last forever too. I light them almost everyday and I have never ran out of any of my scents.

3. I am thankful for straws. I love drinking out of straws. Sometimes I will even bite both sides of my licorice and use it as a straw, sometimes I think I am still 10 years old:)

4. I am thankful for beautiful weather and the beach! Hopefully we will get to experience both of these things next week in Florida!!

5. I am thankful for vacuums and and cleaning products. They make everything pretty.

6. I am thankful for blizzards. If you sign up for the DQ birthday club, you get a buy one get one free coupon. Jeff and I got to experience delicious blizzards last night- Jeff got oreo and I got strawberry cheesequake..mmmmmmm....

7. I am thankful for a working washer and dryer. Can you imagine if we still had to wash everything by hand and hang it out on the line to dry? Booo... that would be way too much work for the likes of me!! I like to do laundry, it is really easy and gives me an excuse to watch tv while I fold:)

8. I am thankful for the current bad economy so that Jeff and I can afford to buy a house:) I am LOVING the low prices of beautiful houses around here, Jeff and I may be partaking of this soon... we'll see.

9. I am thankful for tracks. I like how you can count the laps and know EXACTLY how far you went. Since I can't afford a GPS watch, it is helping me practice the pace I want to run for our half marathon. And I LOVE speed workouts, they are so much more fun than going on long runs.

10. I am thankful for YOU!! Thank you for reading my blog and making me feel loved:) Even though I do my blog for myself, it is fun to share with my friends and family. Love you all!!


Lisa said...

Stacey, Thanks for reading and commenting on my blog! It's so fun when I see a comment from you. By the way, I love reading your blog. Thankful Thursday, what a great, upbeat way to finish out the week. It'll be fun to see you soon!

kado! said...

Yummy your smoothie sounds goooood!

I miss DQ soooo much...that is my favorite dessert...we don't have a DQ anywhere near us....we miss it lots! When we visit B'ham we have to make up for it! LOL

I too love my cleaning things that make keeping our house clean lots easier!

I'm thankful that I am about to sit down and have dinner...the day is almost over...sleep!!! YEA!

Robert and Robyn Anderson said...

Ilove your Thankful thing, I need to try it.