Monday, May 25, 2009

Almost Crawling Cheyenne

This is a video of Cheyenne trying to get a piece of paper. As you can see, she will most likely be crawling within the next couple of months. Once she sees something she wants, she is determined to get it. And she destroys paper very quickly. We are just having so much fun with her, she is the cutest baby ever (in our biased opinion)! We love her to pieces:)


Unknown said...

Wow! I'd say she is going to start crawling in the next couple of weeks. She's got the strength, she just needs to get it all coordinated. You should have a play date with a baby that is crawling. Emma finally figured out crawling after spending a week watching a cousin crawl around.

Kristen said...

That is so cute! She is going to be crawling around in no time! She looks so much bigger since you were here! Can't wait to see you guys in a month! Are you moved in to your new house?

kado! said...

She is just ADORABLE!!!! She will be crawling in just a little while! ....almost makes me wanna have another one....almost! =)

Steve and Brittany said...

Its crazy how similar it is to TJ! Although i'd say she scoots a little more, TJ relies on rolling more, he gets kinda frustrated scooting. :) You totally should just re do your furniture! Since Jeff has the summer off..its so much easier w/two. and its really not that hard, just a bit time consuming. i bet you could google how to do it and find something for some tips!