Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thankful Thursday

1. I am thankful for our two cars. We have a 1994 Ford Ranger Pick-up and a Hyundai Sonata. They are both white and I love that they match! Most of all, I am so so grateful to have two reliable cars that we haven't had any problems with (knock on wood). It is so nice to not have to worry about your car breaking down every time you  drive somewhere! 

2. I am thankful for the beautiful Georgia weather! I LOVE how it is so warm here and barely cold! I love warm weather, it makes me happy!

3. I am sooooooo thankful for my amazing handsome husband and my beautiful daughter! They bring me more joy and happiness than anything in the world!

4. I am thankful for the CD Joseph Smith- A Nashville Tribute to the Prophet. Best music ever!! I have been listening to it all week. There is a song about Emma Smith that touches me every time. Cheyenne loves it too, everytime I sing the Emma song, she gets quiet and looks up at me and smiles while I sing it to her. I am also thankful for all the people in early church days who sacrificed so much for the gospel to be on the earth. They went through some pretty tough persecution, when I hear about the things they went through, it makes me realize how lucky I am that I can worship as I please in peace (for the most part).

5. I am thankful for HGTV! Jeff and I just discovered this channel. Does anyone else ever watch it? It is awesome! It has great shows about how to decorate your home, remodel your home, people looking for homes, etc. We always watch it together while we are eating our dinner. I don't usually watch TV but I will if I am watching it with Jeff, because it feels like a family thing:) Our favorite is House Hunters and we always guess which house they will pick. Love it:)

6. I am thankful for my planner!! I don't know if I have done this one before or not, but I love my planner!! I write everything down that I ever want to do and then I don't have to worry about forgetting it. It keeps me sane, and it keeps my head clear for more important things. I love using a planner!

7. I am thankful for time and am somehow always wishing I had more of it! I think people are too busy in the world today. We take time for granted! I want to try to schedule less things in my day, so I can have more time to enjoy life and enjoy my family and the people around me. I don't mean to be lazy, but just have time to do what you feel like at that point and not always rushing to get something done.

8. I am thankful for the many people who are kind to me. Even just little things, I love when people are so thoughtful. I always feel like people are just being so nice. I feel like I come in contact with angels everyday! I hope that once in a while, I can be someone's angel on that day. 

9. I am thankful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It only brings me happiness and I love reading about Christ and his time on earth. I love praying and feeling comfort and assurance in the choices I make. I love the feeling I get when I serve others, and need to do more service. I love that as I grow closer to Christ, I grow closer to my family:) I love going to church every Sunday and promising to follow the commandments and be a better person in the week to come and being forgiven for the mistakes I have made the week before. 

10. I am thankful for our computer!! It is the best computer ever and I love that pretty much anything you ever need to know or wonder about, you can just type it into swagbucks and find out about it! I waste way too much time on the computer, but I don't really watch tv so that is how I rationalize:)


Robert and Robyn Anderson said...

very nice, I love how you are so thankful. That's good...

connie and frank said...

Love your comments.
How can I get the Nashville Tribute to the Prophet? I want it.
love ya

kado! said...

I think this might be the 1st and only time I have ever heard someone say they were thankful for a Hyundai =) LOL!

...We ♥ HGTV hunters is fun...we also ♥ to watch Flip this House! The stress of the filp is fun to watch...and so glad it is NOT my stress!!!

Great list!

Lisa said...

I like your comments about your planner and about time. It does feel nice occasionally to have "nothing" to do. Of course, you end up doing something, but not having to rush is a great feeling.

Laura Bradford said...

The Joseph Smith CD is really good. One of the two men that put it together is Dan Truman. The same Dan Truman that is the piano player for Diamond Rio. I believe his wife wrote the song or sang it I dont remember Ill have to ask my Dad, but it is an amazing CD. Brother Truman and his family were going around doing missionary firesides in the local stakes and wards singing that cd. Glad yall are doing well. Tell Jeff I said hey! Oh yeha this is Brad

Laura Bradford said...

The song his wife did was the emma song

Brooke and Justin said...

My number is 801-372-5183! Call me!

Brooke and Justin said...

haha... Im so sorry!!! I was close :) 801-472-5183 ! Sorry.... Try again please!!!!