Saturday, March 5, 2011


A few friends needed me to watch their kids lately. I got some great pictures of some of the kids playing together. As long as Cheyenne is happy and in a good mood, it is great watching other kids around her age because they entertain each other... it just gets hard when she gets tired and cranky and then she is always crying about something or other, she is a little sensitive sometimes:) Usually before nap is great and during/after is harder. Cheyenne loves to have friends over to play though. She is really a sweet girl and gets along well with almost any kid (when she is fed and well rested).

This picture was taken through our window, the weather has been beautiful here lately (besides the last few days which have been rainy). I open all the windows and leave the doors open and Cheyenne loves to play on the rocking chairs on the porch, which is great, because I can clean the kitchen and since the windows are open I can see her perfectly.
Wesley was great for Cheyenne, he introduced her to playing in the mud/dirt/woods.

Making "mud soup."

Playing in the woods

Berkeley and I sitting outside watching Cheyenne and Wesley play in the dirt.

Here they are watching wonder pets or something like that.

We went for a walk around the neighborhood in the wagon. It took forever, because they had to get out and in and out and in... they also had to explore the woods on the walk and collect rocks, sticks, flowers, etc.
are they not the cutest things ever?

Wesley and Cheyenne having a picnic on the front porch.
Cheyenne took Annaliese outside to teach her how to make "mud soup" like her and Wesley did. Needless to say, they got soaked and were covered in mud, so they took a little bath together. They were so cute.


connie and frank said...

cute pictues. love it when kids play so great together:)cheyenne is such a dollie, and wesley it so cute too.

Kristen said...

Very cute!

The Clanton Gang said...

Aw! Will you send me those?? That way I'll have them when I get a DVD made at Wesley and Cheyenne's wedding. ;) Seriously, we'd have some crazy cute grandkids. :)

Rach said...

So cute! I haven't checked your blog in too long! Great pictures. I went for an hour run the other day when it was down pouring, made me think of you..,.people were staring at me like I was insane!

We miss you guys! Hopefully we can make it down soon and hang out again!

April said...

Stacey thank you for that sweet comment you left on my blog, you are always so sweet! I love all of these new pictures you have up especially the ones from your trip here to Washington, it was really nice to see you and get to talk with you. I also LOVED the pictures of your family, how much fun are all of those little girls. WOW, I LOVE it!

I wish I had a little girl to do her hair like you especially if she was as cute as yours, your daughter is seriously still the most beautiful girl ever. AHHHHH maybe one day!

Amelia said...

What cute cute pictures! I was so excited to see so many new posts when I clicked on your blog! Your little girls are too cute! I got your message about getting together soon- We would love to! Camping sounds like so much fun!! I Hope we can work out a time with our boy's schedule. Trent has a break the first two weeks in may and june.

Doyle, Chelsea, Little Miss & Baby on the Way said...

cheyenns always dresses SO CUTE!

A Woman Who LIVED said...

Wow, so it has been forever since I've been to your blog. Congratulations on your new baby! She isn't new at all I guess. She is so cute! I can't believe how big Cheyenne is too!