Thursday, November 6, 2008


I went to the doctor today (I am 37 weeks).  I told him how I was pretty excited to have the baby and he told me that they will schedule me to be induced at any time from a week before the due date.  Meaning if I chose to, I could be induced on November 20th (or anytime after).  I asked if I just wanted to let the baby come when it was ready, how long he would let me wait and he said only one week, then they induce.  I have heard varying things about being induced.  Around here its pretty popular... I would say about 3/4 of the people I talk to who live here were induced and most of them love it.  You get to have the baby early, you know when you are going to have it, etc.  However, I have also heard from others that being induced can increase your chance of having a c-section (I asked the doctor about this and he said slightly but not enough to be worried about).  Also, I have heard there are other negative things about being induced.  I know for a fact that I DO want the epidural (I know when you are trying to go natural, being induced can make that nearly impossible) no matter what.  I am just considering all views.  It is so tempting to induce because I am really uncomfortable, I am really excited to see her, I don't have stretch marks yet, but I have heard they can come during the last weeks, I think pushing out a small baby would be nice... but these are all pretty selfish reasons.  The reasons for not inducing is that its kind of exciting not knowing when its going to happen, supposedly its less risky, and my mom and sister could be there for the birth.  Also, I am working and making and saving money until I have the baby. I just don't know.  So tell me how you feel, make it long or short, I am interested in your opinions.  If you have been induced, what was your experience?  Give me advice if you would like:)  I only have to let them know 4 or 5 days in advance so I have a while to think about it... it caught me off guard, I never thought I would have the option of choosing what day I would like my baby to be born!  But I don't know... is this a good thing or a bad thing...


Bonnie and Tyler said...

Well....I think you should have your little one induced on the 20th because then our kids would have the same birthdays. Wouldn't that be sweet?! In all seriousness I know that Bonnie being induced was anticlimatic for me because I had to wait so long to Lucy to come but that should be the least of your consideration. I'll have Bonnie write and give you her opinion.

Bonnie and Tyler said...

I would choose to be induced in all of my pregnancies if I could. I hate the waiting game. The Doctor broke my water, so it didn't happen in a store, or anything. And it was all scheduled. Your first Labor usually goes long anyway, so If you are asking, I would tell you to be induced, then you know the baby is coming that day no matter what!

Tiffany said...

That's a tough one. I've never made it far enough along to be induced. I love the surprise of not know when you'll go into labor. However, if I was nearing 39 weeks I may have easily changed my mind. My sister has been induced 2 out of 3 times and highly recommends it. She loves being able to plan. Keep us updated on what you decide! I'm so excited for you and can't wait to see pictures!!!

The Wilson Pratt Wilson Family said...

Stacey! (This may be long, just a warning...sorry!) I am sure that everyone will have their opinions and really, everyone's birth experiences are different, meaning that people really experience things in different ways. I was almost two weeks late with Reagan, and so my doctor recommended I be induced. I am hoping that you won't go over that much, and I'm sure Natasha will hope the same for you! For me (and this is just me), I would NOT be induced again. Well, I take that back, I would be induced if the doctor was concerned and thought I should do it, but I wish so bad that I hadn't had to be induced with Reagan. I was so excited and relieved, because FINALLY she would be here but it took a whole three days for my entire labor process. Inducing DOES make things more intense, and I was asking for the epidural long before I thought I would have been because my contractions were so painful. I really don't know if it was the pitocin or not, but I would have very strong intense contractions that just weren't productive. Meaning - I would not dilate fast enough. I think this is why it increases the chance of c-sections. After the epidural, things were pretty normal but REALLY slow. But, like I said, everyone's birth experience is completely different, and you may not experience the same troubles. (I may just be a wimp.) It WOULD be cool to know your baby's birthday, but I was induced and thought she was coming that day, and she definitely didn't, so I don't know if you can ever be too sure. I was going crazy by 37 weeks, in anticipation of her getting here, so I was excited to be induced. But now I'm thinking that I wish I could have just waited until she was ready to arrive. Your body knows exactly what it is doing for a reason. Labor probably goes a lot quicker and more productively without pitocin. But they do get here much sooner so you can play with them AND the baby is smaller (which is probably A LOT easier - I had a hard time with that one and Reagan wasn't even that big.) So...yeah that is a toughy! Haha, I started this out thinking I had all this advice, and I'm totally contradicting myself now. But I hope I gave you some things to think about. If I was superwoman, I would LOVE to do it no pitocin, no epidural, and just let things happen naturally, but I am not superwoman I don't think, so it is hard to say. =) I apologize for the novel...embarassing.

Rach said...

DONT BE INDUCED! unless you have to. I was induced a week early,it totally sucked. over 24hr labor because my body just was not ready. If you can, let the labor come naturally. I know this is so much easier said than done cause the last few weeks are SO uncomfortable but I pray that for my next baby I wont have to be induced. and out of all my friends me and tasha are the only ones that didnt have to have a c-section after being induced...not cool

Thats just my opinion, you and Jeff pray about it, see what feels best.The Lord knows what will be best for you and your little one.

Janice Butler said...

Okay, this is the first time I've ever left a comment on a blog, but here goes... Dearest Stacey, There are so many wonderful things that will change when Cheyenne arrives - but one that you will soon learn is that Cheyenne will be in charge, not you. Your life will revolve around responding to her needs and on her schedule. That is also how I feel about her birth - it should be when she is ready, not just when you are ready. Obviously there may be medical reasons to over-ride this, but just let her birth happen naturally. Cheyenne will know when it is time.

Yates Family said...

Okay so I have to comment too! I had my first one just when I went into labor on my own, which was on my due date! Second one, I took castor oil and went into labor, but it was only four days before my due date and we were trying to miss finals! Third one I had to be induced 4 1/2 weeks early because he was under stress and that was SO stressful because he wasn't fully developed. That was an emergency though and so I had no warning that I was going to be induced. This last one, I was having some more crazy problems and so they scheduled to induce me for two weeks before my due date and that was nice being able to plan and know for sure when everything was going to take place, but my opinion...since it's your first, I think it's so much fun and scary and nervewracking to just let it happen when it happens! My mom swears that every time she was in good shape her babies came a whole lot faster and so even though it's your first one, you are in great shape and so maybe it will go faster anyway! So whatever you decide, my advice is to simply enjoy every single minute because this first one is never going to happen again and you can never get this experience back no matter how many more babies you have! So I know you are miserable, but enjoy it! It's so special! Okay - sorry that was long - I'll end it now :)

Unknown said...

I was pretty much in the same boat as you. At about 37 weeks my Dr. was like "so when are we inducing you?" I waited a few weeks and then a few days before my due date I had an OB appt. While there we decided to go with the induction. It was scheduled for my due date. Everything went wonderfully. I was put on pitocin at 7, they broke my water at 9:30, got the epidural at 10:00 (I could have had it WHENEVER I wanted, the timing was completely my choice) I started pushing at 11:45 and by 12:15 I had a beautiful baby girl! So my experience with an induction was really good. Something you should consider though is the progression of your pregnancy. Before I was induced, I was dilated to a 3, fully effaced, and had lost my plug, plus Emma was getting BIG. So it was time!

The Wilson Pratt Wilson Family said...

Not that I haven't already said enough already, but I wanted to comment about the stretch marks thing...yes, it is true, you think you're in the clear and then BAM the week you deliver they all of the sudden appear. At first I was so disappointed and HATED them because I slathered my tummy with cocoa butter every single night right from the very beginning, but alas if they're gonna happen, they're gonna happen. And honestly, they fade just as fast as they come. Plus, in a weird way, I'm sort of proud of them - it is proof of all the hard work my body did during those grueling months of pregnancy! I won't be wearing a bikini anytime soon to show them off, but they don't bother me as much as they used to. =)

Talen and Amber said...

Hey Stacey! How exciting that you are nearing the end of your pregnancy!! I'll tell you my opinion on being induced...but that's all it opinion. With my first I set an induction date for a week after my due date, and he came a day before my due date. Then with my second I was set to be induced on my due date and I had him a week earlier. It was always my hope to go into labor naturally...but I know how hard it gets in those last weeks. I'm really glad I never had to be induced because I have sat through too many of my sister and sisters-in-laws labors where they were induced and it seemed to take forever. Their bodies and the babies were just not ready yet. And compared to my labors, they seemed to be a lot harder. I felt okay setting inductions for on or after my due date because then I felt that the baby would be ready by then and my body would be a little more prepared, and that is probably how I will continue to do it for future pregnancies. I hope that whatever you decide everything goes well and you will have a good experience and a healthy little baby. Good luck!!

Katie and joe said...

stacey- so i know i never comment but i figured i would share and let you know how mine went since i just had my baby! i was over a week late, and i know exactly how it is- the waiting is so hard! the hospital i delivered at doesn't allow inductions on your first pregnancy before a week after your due date, and i really tried everything to get her out a little earlier, but she was just too comfortable. i am happy i was induced because had i waited even a couple more days i would have likely gone into labor and gone through it all and then ended up with a c-section anyways because she was waaay bigger than they thought she would be, and had they known that my doctor would have done the c-section. (i weighed 9 lbs 10 oz when i was born, and my hubby was 12 even- that was a really good indication that she would be big!) but, your body knows best! i would wait a little longer if i was you, they just generally come out healtheir the closer to your due date. but trust your doctor, and do what feels best!

and go with the epidural, especially if your getting induced- i was only 1 1/2 centimeters dialated when i went in. i was in active labor for about 8-10 hours (depending on the definition of labor....) and had to push for about 2. yes not being able to feel made it harder, but it felt so good! i wanted to wait to start it until i was a 5 or 6, but my doc broke my water when i was a 2 to get things going and i am SO glad i started it right after that!

good luck with everything- can't wait to hear about what happens!

Dana said...

Just from my experience with delivering Heidi, I would not recommend being induced. I was overdue with her and they decided to induce me because according to the ultrasound measurments, she was getting pretty big and they said that if I waited the full two weeks, I might have a 10 pound baby (the computer esitmated her to be about 9 lbs 13 oz or something like that)... so I went ahead and went in to be induced. I just don't think my body was ready. They gave me something the night before to help me dialate, but it didn't do ANYTHING to help me dialate. They went ahead and broke my water when I was only at a 1 1/2 dialated. I was in labor ALL DAY! I went in on a Tuesday and didn't have her until like 11PM Wednesday night!! The doctor started considering preparing me for a c-section a couple of times, but I just BARELY made it not having one. I never thought the labor would end. It just went on forever. I just don't think I was ready yet. I am going to try to wait the full two weeks this next time (if I'm overdue again). If your mom and Heather are planning on being there for the birth, it probably would be better to have it scheduled, I guess. It's up to you. Everyone's experience is totally different. Some people are induced and have the baby only 4 hours later. I guess you just have to decide what is best for you. :)

Natasha Holmquist said...

I was induced when i was week late, and i didn't progress at all and I went home, to be induced a week later. Everyones experience is different. If the baby is ready, she will come. If my doctor gave me the option to go a week early now I would have totally been like YES!! but, that's just because I had to wait so long, and I hope that never happens again! Anyways, I hope no one thinks i'm horrible for saying this but, I don't think it would be bad if you went a week early, whatever you choose to do. But I really wanted to go into labor on my own, because I've heard it is MUCH easier. Anyways, i'm everywhere.. I hope you don't have too much trouble deciding! i'm so excited for you!!!

Natasha Holmquist said...

OH and due dates and healthy baby weights can be off from the ultrasounds.. My doc said that was going to probably have a 9 maybe 10 lb baby, and he was 8 pounds even!

connie and frank said...

Wow, you are getting a lot of advice. ok, you asked for it and here are my thoughts. The baby will arrive when she is ready. I can understand if you are overdue, but even then, due dates are just an estimation. Of course if there are medical concerns then I would consider inducing. I think November 20th is a bit too soon, wait at least until your due date. love ya

Cicely said...

I haven't read all the comments, but my advice is this: talk about it with your husband and make a plan. Then, KEEP AN OPEN MIND. Sometimes things happen and you need to be ready no matter what. Be ready for anything and everything will go just fine.

Good luck friend!

Delahunty Family said...

Hey Stacey I just found your blog on the VHS 2002 blog I was excited to see your name on there! I'm so excited you are having a baby! How fun! Sorry I don't have any advice about being induced or not, I have never had a baby! I know a few people who have been incuded and they seemed to like it just fine, they say it takes longer though! Good luck I will have to check back soon and see your baby!

Peter and Lesha said...

yeah I second what Emily said being induced is bad news and it can have a different effect than what you were hoping, it could make labor go longer and it mean a c-section. It's totally up to you and everyone I'm sure everyone has told you something different but the baby will come when she is good and ready. The doctors like to induce cause then it is on their schedule but just wait it's not bad to go longer than a week. especially if the baby isn't huge over 9lbs:)

Rachel said...

Good luck Stacey! Has Heather talked to you? What specifically would the doctor do? Breaking water before dilating to a 4 and other drugs increase C-section risks, I think. I had a good experience being induced. It is kind of fun to share, so I'll recap what I already wrote on your facebook wall. For me: 1st child= natural start, 9 days late, 9lbs2oz, 14 hrs easy labor and delivery, hard recovery, I thought how could a c-section be worse 2nd baby=induced from no dilation, no contractions, and not effaced, 4 days late, planned babysitter, 7lbs6oz, 6 hrs even easier labor and delivery, easy recovery, I hope I never have a c-section

Rachel said...

Also, the doctors guessed the first baby to be 7.5 pounds, and the second to be 8.5 pounds. It would be easier to decide if I knew the baby's size. Though plenty of women have 11 pound babies naturally, I hope not to be one. Off the subject, try the prenatal yoga! I think it helps with breathing and concentration during labor, whether or not your induced:)

Lynsey Sneddon said...

Stacey, My opinion is not to be induced on your first baby...and I'm not just saying that because I don't want you to go before I know so many people who had really difficult deliveries because they were induced on a first baby. It just seems like the body has a harder time getting ready for the first baby and dilation can take a long time, which leads doctors to want to do a c-section. I would not do it, especially a week early, also because they already moved up your due date. That being said, I was induced with Chloe, #3, a day overdue and it was a good experience for me. I am also probably going to be induced this time a few days after my due date if I don't have the baby by then. Probably Dec. 2nd-4th. I don't think I would go a week early. I really like to go on my own. It's fun going into labor! Good luck with your decision. It really will be here soon! I can't wait!!! BTW, this is Lynsey.

Jenny said...

Hey Stacey! Looks like you've got lots of advise already, but I thought I'd put my two cents in, too! I was induced with both Lucy and Trevor. Lucy was 2 1/2 weeks early and they induced me because my amniotic fluid was really low. However, even being that early, I did not have any problems being induced. They started the pitocin early in the morning (on Christmas day) and Lucy was born at 12:30pm and I didn't have an epidural. So she came pretty quick. I was induced with Trevor about a week early. The Dr. gave me a gel to ripen the cervix and just that put me into labor and I didn't need any pitocin. When I had Ella, she was breech, so I had a c section. So I had good experiences being induced, however, I do wonder what it would have been like to go into labor myself. I kind of felt like I was missing out on something not having experienced the counting contractions and heading off to the hospital. However, on the other hand, you won't end up going to the hospital unneccesarily if you're induced! There are definately pros and cons to both and it is nice not having to go the full 40 weeks (or more). I'm sure you'll figure out what will be best for you!