Sunday, August 15, 2010

Uncle Aaron, Cheyenne, and Pregnancy

Look at me- two updates in the same day! Uncle Aaron (my brother) came to visit this week, which was such a fun surprise! He is a pilot for Delta which is excellent because he is based out of Atlanta, so that means we get to see him sometimes if he is on call. Cheyenne has been going through major stranger anxiety lately (see previous nursery post), so I was expecting her to freak out when I left her with Aaron so I could go to a Dr. appointment. But, thankfully, she warmed up to him right away... it may have had something to do with his awesome iphone full of games for her to play with... but I don't even think she noticed I was gone! She called him Uncle mostly, she had a hard time with the Aaron part, mostly it sounded like Uncle Jaron, but before he left she had it down. She said bless Uncle Aaron in her prayers and talked about him for the next few days after he left.

Cheyenne also had a Doctor appointment this week. Dora and friends are painted on the walls of her Doctor's office, and this was the first time she knew who they were, so she kept saying, "swiper no swipin!" followed by an "oh man!" I thought it was hilarious, but one of the Doctors (who I have never seen before, so she must just be one of the other doctors that practices at that office or a nurse or something) was like, "who is that?" I informed her that it was Swiper and then I pointed out Dora and Boots as well... she gave me this look like "who in the world are they?" This annoyed me because I think if you work with children you should be up to date on thing that children are interested in- especially when they are painted on the walls of your workplace!! Maybe the look was more like, "your daughter should not be watching tv yet." I don't know. But, seriously, I am home with her all day, we run out of things to do, I don't think there is anything wrong with her watching Dora, or Curious George or Sesame Street (or sometimes all three, haha)... she really only watches a few minutes anyway and then plays with her toys and randomly looks up and comments at the screen. Anyway, that was way longer than I meant for it to be...

So, updates on Cheyenne are that she is 32" tall and 23 pounds. Her Doctor never tells us the percentile thing, but when I looked it up on the internet, it said that her length is between 25 and 50 percent and her weight is between 10 and 25 percent. It is sounding like gymnastics may have to be her thing rather than volleyball or basketball! haha... she talks all the time when we are at home, but in public, it is hard to get her to say a word. She says sentences/phrases, and uses prepositions (in, of, under, over, etc.). She loves to say all the time "we goin to the beach, to swim in the wawa." She has started to replace wawa with water recently, which makes me sad, because I think it is so cute how she calls it wawa. She has also started to sing songs with me which is so fun. She sings I am a child of God the whole way through with me, although she only gets the last three or so words right in every line, but she definitely knows what words are coming. She loves to sing Jesus wants me for a sunbeam, really I sing it and then pause at the parts where she sing "sunbeam." She loves to run when she is excited. She loves the water and has absolutely NO fear of it, which is a little dangerous. She loves books. She loves the alphabet and can name about a quarter of the letters and the sounds they make. She loves swings and slides. She loves to eat. Her favorite foods are pancakes, hot dogs, cheese, strawberries, applesauce and yogurt. I only ever let her have one hot dog at a time, but she always gobbles it up and says, "more hot dog?" Today she kept asking for a hot dog for breakfast-gross! She loves to sit on the "little potty." Although, we rarely take her diaper off, we just let her sit on it, because I don't think she has any intention of actually going to the bathroom on the potty. I was hoping she would want to so I did a dance after I went to the bathroom a couple of times, hoping that she would want to follow my example. Now, every time I go to the bathroom, she does a dance. It is hilarious because I had forgotten about the dance thing, since I decided I am not going to deal with potty training until she is at least 2. Then I went to the bathroom and she started doing the dance, it made me laugh. Anyway... that's all I can think of that is new for her.

I am about 29.5 weeks along and have definitely entered the 3rd trimester. I feel way more tired all the time, I have to pee more frequently, I wake up at night all the time either because I have to pee or my back is hurting very badly, and I have now gained 15 lbs. I am hoping everything goes well when I go to Washington in a few weeks because I just found out I am not really supposed to fly when I am that far along, but I didn't even think about that. That would be a nightmare if something happened while I was on the other side of the country, with no insurance coverage there! Everyone say a prayer for me that little baby girl will stay put and stay healthy while we are gone!

This pregnancy is so different from Cheyenne's. With Cheyenne I was counting down the days and I was always so paranoid something would go wrong. As soon as we found out she was a girl, we easily found a name. With this one, I am more nervous for it to come out. I am not sure I can handle TWO babies! I don't feel any connection to it yet, like I don't really feel like there is a real human baby inside of me. With Cheyenne, as soon as we found out she was a girl, I felt a connection like it was my daughter. I worry that I won't love this baby like I love Cheyenne, and it almost seems impossible that I could. I worry that instead of loving and adoring each other they will be jealous of each other, make each other feel bad, and fight. I worry that because Cheyenne was so easy, this next one is going to be extremely hard to make up for it. I guess, whatever is supposed to happen will happen and I am just going to have to trust in the Lord that he has a plan for our little family. I know she was sent from God to be with us when we needed her. I will have to have faith that I can handle it! Are these normal feelings to have for your second baby? Or am I suffering from some weird thought syndrome? Help!


Vashti said...

I found having the second baby to be way easier than the first. You are less nervous because you have already had a baby before. Nursing is easier, sleeping is easier. The toddler aspect was harder for me. What helped me the most was to have Marcus help me pick up the house before bed so when I woke up in the morning everything was clean and organized. It really helped me feel calm and organized as well.

Having two little girls ROCKS. So much fun, especially when they start playing together. Mine are just hitting that stage now.

connie and frank said...

That was good advice. You will be the best mom and your girls will love each other. Stop thinking so much!!! Like you said whatever happens will happen, and you will adapt just fine. Writing your thoughts is such a great way to remember things, good job.

Dana said...

I felt the same when when I was pregnant with Hannah. I didn't know if I could love another baby as much as I loved Heidi, but when Hannah was born and I saw her... I did! I love them both So Much! And both just the same. They both do get jealous of each other, though. It will all work out.

Kristen said...

First, yes it is ok for your kids to know all the fun cartoon characters! I hate it when drs make you feel guilty for doing things that are "normal". I can't wait to see Cheyenne and have her sing to us! She is too cute!
You look great by the way. It is normal to feel all those feelings with your second. It is amazing how you just love your children the same and equally. Once she is is born it will feel like she was always meant to be part of your family! It is hard to explain. Can't wait to see you and you will be totally fine:)