Sunday, August 15, 2010

Young Women and Primary

I love this picture. I love it even more because it was painted by an art professor I had at Dixie, Del Parson. He was one of my favorite professors I ever had and is such a funny, down to earth guy. He would always ask me if all the boys were afraid to talk to me, because I was so buff! Of course that made me like him right away, haha! He also painted this infamous picture:

Anyway... the beginning of August we got a brand new beautiful stake center, which our ward gets to meet in. It is so pretty and everything is new, but it is also 20 minutes from our house (about 6 or 7 minutes further than the last building), so it is a trade-off. The last building was fine, but it was pretty old and it wasn't very big, so many classes had to be held in random places such as the kitchen or the chapel. Also, our YW room was in the giant storage closet behind the stage so there were no windows and it was teeny tiny. It is pretty refreshing to have a new place, I will admit.
Last Sunday, Jeff and I were called in to talk to the Bishop before church started. I figured Jeff was getting a new calling or another calling, because he is a teacher in Sunday School and a ward missionary. I was in Young Women as the Personal Progress leader, and I had only had the calling for about 9 or 10 months. I was so surprised when I was the one getting the new calling. At first, I was really sad, because I was finally starting to feel like I was getting a hang of the Personal Progress one. I had started to work on my own personal progress, which for those who don't know, is a great way to study scriptures! I had kind of a bad attitude about it when I first got the calling because when I was in Young Women I hated personal progress and refused to work on it. I thought it was so dumb and I would get annoyed whenever they had an activity just for it. I totally did not want to be the one making these girls do it! What helped me change my attitude and feeling toward Personal Progress and my calling was the Young Women. They liked personal progress, they worked on it without nagging (although when I instituted a chart with stickers and treats, they did get a lot more done faster, haha). I was just so impressed at the hard work the girls were putting in and I never heard them moan or complain about having to work on it. They were such a good example to me, and it convinced me to try it out myself and I actually really like it now. I am going to keep trying to finish it even though I am not in Young Women anymore.
Anyway, so I got a new calling to be a counselor in the Primary Presidency. I was in the Primary Presidency in the Elberton Branch, but I don't really count that, because there were only like 4 kids, so it was a lot different. I felt very overwhelmed and underqualified to receive the calling, but thankfully I believe that the Lord will make up the difference between what you are actually qualified to do and what you can accomplish. I am really excited to get to know the other women in Primary and hopefully I will be able to focus and apply myself and help the children to feel the spirit and gain a testimony of the Savior and his gospel. I am getting excited about this new calling and just hope that I can do my best. I will miss Young Women a lot, I loved the other women I worked with in the calling and the girls were all really great too.
Also, Cheyenne has been in the nursery (for kids 18 months- 3 years) since June. The first month or so she was great and went in with no problem. One Sunday she skipped her nap and was so tired and cranky and cried the whole time, and she hasn't been a fan of nursery ever since. It is so hard to leave her in there when she is crying "mommy" and reaching for me. It breaks my heart and makes me feel like I am abandoning her. She hasn't made it through a full 2 hours of nursery since June and has to be delivered to one of us before church is over, because she is crying. I wish she would like it. I think it is partly my fault because she is never not with me. She is with me all day everyday, we never get babysitters, so the only time she is not with Jeff or I is in nursery, and that is probably hard. I think I am going to need to get together with people who have kids in nursery so she will get to know the kids better and feel more comfortable. That is my new plan of attack! I love Sundays, they are so relaxing... this is our last week of a family Sunday together, then Jeff has to start having football meetings every Sunday:( That makes me so sad. Oh and these meetings are serious meetings, like he will be gone most likely at least 5 hours... here we go.


connie and frank said...

Stacey, you will love Primary. You always have such great goals and ideas, follow them through and you will learn so much. I am sad about Jeff's meetings too. I wish he didn't have to go and I hope someday if he is ever in charge that he will not fill Sunday with football meetings. I love Sundays too.

Emily S. said...

I'm glad Andrew's not the only one who doesn't stay in nursery the whole day!! We should get our kids together more - so they see familiar faces in nursery!