Sunday, May 13, 2012

Creepy Carnival

While Jeff and Berkeley were in Washington, Cheyenne and I went to one of those creepy carnivals out by the mall. We invited our friends Layla and Heidy.  The girls had SO much fun and never wanted to leave. We stayed for like 3 hours I think. The best ride was this little car one that whipped them around in a circle. It was so fast and Heidy and I freaked out a little when we saw how fast it was (after the girls were already on it). We expected them to panic and be upset, but in fact their eyes were huge and they were squealing with delight! They loved it and probably rode it 5 more times after. It brought back great memories of going to the carnival that came to Bellingham when I was in Elementary School. Sometimes my Grandma Blum would take me and sometimes I would save up my money and go with my friends. It was so much fun:) A little more creepy as an adult, but still fun.

1 comment:

connie and frank said...

Every little kid must experience the carnival, creepy or not. What fun...