Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

Last night I went to a friends house to have a girls night. We painted our nails, watched a movie and ate junk food. It was fun and I needed the break, because we had just spent all day looking for cars in Atlanta. I left and the house was a disaster. I came home and the house was so clean, even scented oil was lit so it smelled good! This little arrangement was on the table:
 Jeff even made the chocolate covered strawberries himself and they were SOOO good! They totally hit the spot last night, this morning and still today! I love the flowers, but I will be honest, my favorite part was this card from Cheyenne and Berkeley:
 "Happy Mother's Day"
"Mommy I Love You"
Berkeley (with her hand traced)

I thought it was so cute that Jeff thought to trace Berkeley's hand since she can't write yet. I am also so proud of my little almost 3 and a half year old that she is starting to be able to write her letters so well. Also, she barely ever writes from left to right and in a line (note front of the card). But the inside was so good that it was all written in order! It made me so happy to see this card and made me feel good about myself as a mother, because we practice her letters all the time.

This morning Jeff got up with the girls and then made pancakes for breakfast. I curled Cheyenne's hair and painted the girl's nails because Cheyenne gave her first talk today in primary (more on that later). She and Jeff also sang in sacrament meeting. It was so cute because the primary and all the men sang Love at Home together and it was SO GOOD! It was kind of funny because there were more people up on stage then in the congregation, but it was so cute. Cheyenne did pretty good, she didn't know the song very well, but she sang the parts she did know. I had tried to practice with her as much as I could Sunday, but she wasn't too excited about it after the 3rd time through it:)

We got chocolate bars in sacrament from the Young Women and they were really cute and delicious. We came home and chilled for a bit. Jeff made a delicious steak dinner later and then we skyped with Grandma Connie and now Jeff is putting the girls to bed. It was a wonderful mothers day. I am so blessed to have my beautiful children and so blessed to have a husband that is so thoughtful and never forgets to make each holiday special and is so selfless so much of the time. He works so hard and always tries to help make my job easier. I really am blessed to be a mother.

1 comment:

connie and frank said...

Wow that sounds like a great day!!!! Jeff is pretty awesome, dad says he is in a league all by himself!!!!!!