Saturday, September 1, 2012

Berkeley Update

Berkeley is 1 year 10 months old.

So I feel really bad, but I barely have any pictures of just Berkeley. It is just so much easier to take pictures of Cheyenne, because Cheyenne will hold still and smile, but I can't always expect that of Berkeley! I swear I love Berkeley just as much as Cheyenne! This picture is actually perfect for Berkeley at this age though, because she is obsessed with her big sister. She gets so sad if she ever has to leave Cheyenne (preschool, nursery, when Cheyenne is at gymnastics, etc.). 

I just want to freeze this stage Berkeley is at right now. She is just so cute!! The things she does and says and she is always so happy, and her temper tantrums don't stress me out at all, they are just so funny. With Cheyenne when she would throw a tantrum (not that she did that often) it would stress me out and I would think oh my gosh she is out of control and she is going to grow up to be rebellious and not obey, etc. Basically I would overreact. Now, I realize it is just so normal for Berkeley's age and it is the funniest thing. 

There are so many things I need to get on video that are only funny when you hear them right from her mouth, but she always says, "Not that one!" about anything that she doesn't want. She always calls herself "DeeDee" and always refers to herself in the 3rd person. That's DeeDee's sounds better than MINE! I love how she always says "okay." all these things are hard to explain because it is the intonation that makes it so funny and cute. She always says "no nigh nigh!!" She gets so sad when she has to go to bed, but once she is in her crib she pops in that amazing thumb and is out in a few minutes. 

She always loves to cuddle and give hugs and kisses.

Berkeley is trying to get me to potty train her but I will not give in! She always tries to pull her diaper off and says "no diaper!"  or "diaper off!" Every time she goes pee or poop in her diaper she brings me the wipes and diaper and says "poopy pants." or she will say "go sit on the potty?" and bring me in the bathroom with her.  The reason I don't want to start, though, is that she still wakes up from nap and night time wet half the time and I want to wait until she is really ready and have it be quicker and easier. I do not like potty training!

Berkeley is also obsessed with her Daddy. She gets so excited to see him when he gets home. Today Jeff went out to mow the lawn and Berkeley laid on her bed with her blanket and cried "Daddy" the whole time, real tears and all. It was so sweet. Finally I brought her outside to watch him finish up and she was happy as a clam.

Berkeley looks so much like me when I was little it is so fun to watch her because I picture her being me. My Mom said it is like a flashback to watch her. It is strange that her eyes are so dark, though. Jeff, Cheyenne and I all have super light eyes, but both Grandpas have the dark green brown eyes that Berkeley shares.

Berkeley has been such a blessing to our family and just better than I ever imagined she could be. I was so worried about having a second girl and I honestly wouldn't have our family any other way!