Saturday, September 1, 2012

Blue Devil Picture Day

Every year before the beginning of the season, all the football players, coaches, band, cheerleaders, and  their families meet for picture day at the Granite Bowl. These pictures are put in the football program. I woke the girls up and we got all ready. I was just starting to pack everyone up in the car when Jeff called and said it was raining, they were moving everyone in the gym and we shouldn't even come. I was fine with not making the long drive there, but I was totally bummed, because we were already decked out in our gear. I decided to just try to take my own pictures, which the girls were not excited about.

Cheyenne before I told her I would give her a treat if she smiled:
 Three girlies:
 Cheyenne and Berksie:
 Cheyenne being a stinker and looking away so I couldn't get a good picture!
 Cheyenne's big blue eyes:
 my little thumb sucker:

There have already been two games and we have missed both! The first was just a scrimmage, so I skipped, but I was super excited about the home game against the Powerhouse Buford. Once again, I got all ready to go, but when it was time to leave Cheyenne fell asleep on the couch and felt really warm and couldn't wake up. She had been sneezing and coughing all day, so I was worried about her getting sick, so we decided to stay home. Its probably a good thing because they went to sleep before 7 so they were tired and it rained the entire game, so that may have been miserable. Buford won 14-3, but Elbert County showed a lot of talent. I am looking forward to next week against Cedar Shoals!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

That is so funny. The one pic her crying the next smiling! Ha ha! Way to go blue devils. You guys look so cute!