Saturday, September 1, 2012


 One Sunday, I curled my hair and I was about to do Cheyenne's hair and she said she wanted it curly like mine!!! I was so excited because most of the time Cheyenne just wants me to do her hair quickly and doesn't care much what it looks like. So we brought a bar stool into the bathroom and I curled her hair. Then I put on her outfit and when it was time to go she went and put on the little scarf all on her own. Even though it was the middle of summer and probably 95 degrees outside, I was so impressed, because I don't even know how to wear a scarf effectively and my 3 year old nailed it! Or at least I thought so:) It was such a smooth day getting ready, we had to take some pictures for the blog!

Jeff and I are the nursery leaders and we were both surprised we kind of like it. I mean almost 2 hours is a long time to have 15-20 18 month to 3 year olds, but it is going pretty well. The kids are just so sweet and Jeff is totally the favorite, especially the boys all love him. It is so awesome to hear parents tell me what their kids told them. I mean when we do the lessons, the kids will sit still for about 2.5 minutes of it, but then parents will tell me things their kids told them and I am like how did they even hear that? It makes you realize how much they are really absorbing! One mom said her daughter was taking a bath then randomly said, "Mom. Did you know Berkeley is a child of God?" We had all taken turns saying each one was a child of God. The point was so they would realize they themselves were children of God, but it was so cute that she remembered that. I really do love those little kids and they are so much fun to be around, although I am exhausted by the end of church!

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