Saturday, September 1, 2012

Cheyenne Update

Cheyenne is 3 years and 9 months old.

So my favorite thing about Cheyenne is that she still lets me dress her! There have been a couple times where she wants to pick out her own outfit, and I let her, but I always go pick something for her to wear first and she usually doesn't mind. Most other kids her age dress themselves already I think, but I am putting this off as long as I can. That is my favorite part about having girls is picking out their outfits and doing their hair every morning. If she wants to pick herself, I usually let her pick the shirt and then I give her 3 or 4 choices of bottoms to pick from, then I try not to have anything in her closet that I wouldn't want her to wear:) I am so manipulative! Do you think I can continue this all the way through the teenage years??? I doubt it but its worth a try!

 Cheyenne has started doing a little preschool group once a week. It is 4 little girls and she comes home telling me about all the stuff she has learned. I LOVE that she is doing this and it helps me be more motivated to work with her on learning things. We rotate houses and work on one letter, one number, we have a theme and then they learn 2 sight words each time. Cheyenne loves it and I love that it gives me some one on one time with Berkeley. Berkeley doesn't see it that way and cries for Cheyenne every time we drop her off and gets so excited to see her when we pick her up.

We finally paid our library fines from like 2 years ago (it was like $10 which is a lot for a library fine), I decided I was responsible enough to try again and get books returned on time. It has been about 3 weeks and so far so good with only a couple close calls. Cheyenne loves to pick out the books and that we get to take them home with us. I love that she has a long enough attention span to listen to longer stories with less pictures. I love to read the books with her and I have even gotten back into reading myself! In the past month, I have already read 5 books! All three Hunger Games, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, and The One Hundred. I enjoyed them all for the most part, but of course the Hunger Games was the best.

Oh yeah, so back to Cheyenne... She and Berkeley play so well together and I just feel so so blessed that I was given both of these girls together. I feel like they really were meant to be sisters. They love each other so much. Cheyenne is loving her gymnastics class and she loves to go to the gym. Recently we changed gym and she is having hard core withdrawals from her favorite teachers at Bodyplex. The other day she asked if we could get a picture of her with Miss Candace (the childcare worker at Bodyplex) to hang on her wall. So random!

Cheyenne loves to draw, she rarely wants to color in a coloring book, she likes drawing better. She loves to write her letters (on her own terms, she doesn't like when I try to practice with her). I try to help her with gymnastics too, but she doesn't like that, so I just try to cheer her on:)

In the mornings, when Cheyenne is well-rested she is such a sweetheart. She always wants to choose the right and obey... when 4, 5 or 6 o'clock hits, that isn't always the same story:) She loves to play computer games and watch Caillou, Dora, Diego, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Clifford, or Curious George. She says she doesn't like Princess movies, but she has accepted the fact that Little Mermaid turns into a human at the end of the movie after crying the first several times because she wanted her to stay a mermaid. Sometimes she will sing "ahhhh ahhh ahhh" and she says she is the Little Mermaid. Berkeley will do it too and it is cute at first then gets pretty bad since neither have perfected the skill of hitting all the notes quite yet.

Cheyenne's favorite thing to eat right now is Peanut butter toast. She really doesn't eat much at all. She will also eat frozen grapes, and sometimes salad if she can dip it in Ranch ("White sauce"). She can also down some major Mac n cheese but only if she asks for it. Eggo waffles with Peanut butter and syrup, hot dogs, hamburgers, pretzels, chocolate monkey, whole wheat ritz and string cheese are other regular items on the menu. Randomly we can sometimes get her to take bites of other things, but these are her main staples. She always says she doesn't like chicken, only chicken nuggets. 

She always comes and snuggles with Mommy and Daddy early in the morning (anywhere from 5-7) which I love. She loves Primary and singing Primary songs. 

 I love this little girl and I am so grateful for her in my life. 

1 comment:

Kristen said...

She is adorable. I just love those boots!