Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Johnny Jumper

So you aren't supposed to use the Johnny Jumper until they are about 4 months old. Cheyenne is 3 months old, but I have been so excited about it I wanted to see if she could do it.  She liked it when we made it bounce for her but she didn't quite understand how to make it bounce herself. She just dangled there. Oh and I think they are supposed to be able to sit up in it, but she is like leaned forward against it. It was cute, but I don't think she is quite ready for it yet.  I am going to try it out every week until she gets it, I love these things! Whenever she does get it, I will post a video of her jumping:) Oh and as far as rolling over, she is supposed to be able to do that soon, but she isn't even close. I put her down for tummy time and she can lift her head from side to side for a while, but then she just starts to cry and cry until I pick her up. Should I just let her cry? I let her cry for about 5 minutes, but then I feel bad, and she starts getting really out of breath and puts her face on the blanket, I get scared she will suffocate or something. How old was your baby when it learned to roll over? How should I help her along? Anyway, other than that she is doing great and getting cuter everyday (to me anyway)!!! I just LOVE her!!


kado! said...

She IS super cute! Mhasyn loved those jumpy things!

...with the crying(and this is totally my opinion)if it's when you are trying to get her to go to sleep then you should let her cry...there should be NO blanket in the crib when you lay her down...make sure she is dressed warm enough for the temp in the house(footed-jammies)I'd put a crocheted (you know with knitted holes) blanket over my boys once they finally fell asleep and were not fussing any more (if they needed it!).

if she crying just any old time and she is already feed and changed...I would definitely pick her up...I always would remember this: Crying is the way babies "talk" they can't speak like you and I do, they are telling you something when they cry...they may be just trying to have a conversation with you...wouldn't it be frustrating if no one understood you and they just sat there looking at you weird! It must be so hard for those little cuties! I don't believe you can pick up your babies TOO much! Both my boys are very compassionate kids and I think this is due to the way I (hopefully) made them feel secure!

I'm so sorry I just rambled...hopefully I wrote something helpful for you....hey also..if you get a chance send me you e-mail address on the "contact me" area of my blog...that way when you comment...I can answer you by e-mailing back if you happen to ask a question!

Have a Wonderful Wednesday!

Unknown said...

I agree! If she gets mad at tummy time, pick her up and comfort her. You can try doing it again in a few minutes. She'll do it when she is ready.

Emma didn't roll (tummy to back) when she was nearly five months old. The back to tummy rolling came even later than that. So again, she'll do it when she's ready!

Judi said...

Yeah, I would show William over and over how to do it by putting him up on his arms and then tucking one arm under and rolling him over and then do it over again and again. He learned pretty quick, but then again he may have learned on his own. Give it a try, it may work :)

Robert and Robyn Anderson said...

Enjoy every minute. Its fun that you have time to really spend putting her into it. I borrowed one from Susan when the twins were little, I don't remember using it very often. I think I have a picture of Spencer in one. I think it's Spencer.

connie and frank said...

Hi Stacey

Little Cheyenne. I don't think she's quite ready for the jump up. She is so sweet. I agree with Kecia and Cadance about the crying. If she gets tired of tummy time, her crying is just letting you know that. AND, she will roll over when she is ready. She will do it soon enough.
love ya
grandma connie

Steve and Brittany said...

Where did you get your Johnny Jumper? I want to get one soon! My dr told me to give TJ 15 minutes of tummy time a day at least, but he will never stay on his tummy that long all at once. He does the same kind of thing you said Cheyenne does. But I just try putting him on it lots of times for a few minutes till he gets mad. I figure he'll learn how to use his body when he's ready, as long as I'm making it possible for him. She is so cute! I wish we lived closer so we could try to hook them up someday..haha :)

Andree and Josh said...

She is so cute!

kado! said...

hey Stacey...if you love awesome deals like that one...send me your e-mail address and I'll tell you even more I found yesterday at Walgreens.

Katie and joe said...

claire is just now figuring out the rolling over thing. she spent a whole day trying to do it about a month ago, did it, and hasn't been interested in it until yesterday again. she doesn't like the tummy time too much right now, but she likes it a little more each day. don't fret! she'll figure it out on her own time.

oh and i totally got excited about the jumper thing a little early too- she hasn't done the jump part yet, but she loves spinning around.

Yates Family said...

love the johnny jumper! She is getting so big! It's not fair that nine months out of your belly goes by so much faster than the nine months their inside!! Yep I started a blog, I'm not so great at it, but my sister saw one that was made into a book and so that's my main purpose for doing one. I don't know about Utah, our landlady has to move back into this house by June 1st and so we have NO IDEA what we are going to be doing yet! I'll write it down and try to get to Utah, that would be so much fun to see you! I want to hug and kiss your baby...anyway, thanks for the comment on my blog! You're awesome!