Friday, January 18, 2013

Cheyenne Gymnastics

 Cheyenne finished another gymnastics class this past fall and is still loving it. My excitement wore off a lot from the last semester, but I think I will get excited again when they start learning more skills. Right now it is pretty much an obstacle course where they kind of learn the beginnings of handstands, forward rolls and cartwheels, but she still hasn't mastered any of them.... I guess she is still young:) She loves it though and that makes me so happy. It is something that brought me so much joy in my life so I love to feel like we have the same interests:) 

I had to throw one of Berkeley in there because she comes to every class and the whole time wants to get out on the equipment. I feel bad, but I am not even going to start her until she is 5 or 6, because I feel like you can still start them around that time and they are not going to be behind. I definitely didn't need to start Cheyenne as young as I did, but she loves it and it gives us something fun to do.

She is just starting up her third semester of classes right now. And in fact right now we are out the door to go with some friends to a UGA gymnastics meet! I can't wait! More later!

1 comment:

connie and frank said...

Same thing with piano lessons. Start them at 6 and it takes so much longer. Start them at 8 and they pick it right up.