Saturday, January 26, 2013

Christmas Eve

So for some reason this year, I just could not get into the Christmas Spirit. I did all the things I usually do... we opened a book a night to read Christmas stories, I did some service, I bought and made presents for loved ones, I had Cheyenne write a letter to Santa and did some crafts with the girls and watched lots of Christmas movies... I don't know why just for some reason I didn't feel it in my heart the way I usually do. I mean it was fine and Christmas came and went but you know how sometimes you just feel that Christmas spirit more strongly than others? And maybe it was because last year I felt it so much but this year just wasn't my year for some reason. 
The only thing I didn't do this year that I have done every year since we have been married was send out a Christmas card:( I'm so sad that I never got around to it, because I love doing it and I love getting them. Next year I will have to start early...
Christmas Eve was fun this year, we went to pump it up with some people in our ward and it was so much fun! That night we had a big Christmas dinner with Ham, potatoes, gravy, corn, rolls, the works! Jeff and the girls made cookies for Santa and the elves. We did the Christmas Story with the nativity scene and sang some Christmas songs. I think we also watched a Christmas movie, but now I don't remember which one.

We let the girls open one present and they opened the ones from Grandma Sylvia and Grandpa Steve. They were sleeping bags! We let them sleep in them in the playroom. The girls were so excited. Jeff and I watched Christmas movies and wrapped gifts in the living room and helped Santa and the Elves set up some toys. Then Jeff and I went to sleep in the girls room and set up a barricade, because I was so nervous the girls would wake up before us and I would miss it!

1 comment:

connie and frank said...

I understand about the spirit of Christmas. As our lives change, Christmas seems to mean different things. What you have felt all your life may be changing. I hope next year will bring a new and better Christmas spirit. and those sleeping bags are darling, I'll bet they were so excited to sleep in them. and soo funny, a barricade!!