Saturday, November 12, 2011

Garage Sale Finds #3

Okay so I am skipping lots of posts, but I will get back to them. I went to garage sales this morning, even though we didn't get to bed until 2:30/3 am because of Jeff's football game last night! I woke up at 7:30 and quickly headed out the door. I found some great things so I am really glad I went! Although, as usual, it is all wants and not any needs, but I only spent $12.50 so I guess that is okay:) Better use of money for me than going to a movie (I enjoy it more than a movie, I am not judging anyone that spends $10 to go to a movie, haha).

I am going to save my favorite finds for the end. Here are some really cute Christmas cards that I got for 50 cents. I loved them, and I could put them with presents if nothing else:

I am going to use these rings in goodie bags for Cheyenne's birthday party (5 cents for the package) and I really liked these big pink earrings for a dollar (don't worry I cleaned them with alcohol before wearing them):

These flip flops were 25 cents:

I hate when it does this hyperlink thing... Anyway, I don't have time to fix it right now. I thought this was cute, it is a little babysitter checklist where you can write in your phone number and special instructions and everything. It was 25 cents:

These old little golden books were 10 cents each. I had that Little Bear book when I was little, so I got that one. We have the sequel to the monster at the end of this book, but we didn't have the first one so I was excited to find that. Ever since my mom visited and told Cheyenne the story of the 3 little pigs, she makes me tell her that story every time we are in the car driving somewhere, so I was excited to have a book of it. Bambi and Tom and Jerry are just classics from my childhood. She has a cousin named Heidi, and she is newly obsessed with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, so I was excited about all these books:

I actually intended to buy this coat for the little boy that I watch, but Jeff wanted me to keep it for Cheyenne for the football games. It was $2!

These clothes were soooo cute! They were only 25 cents a piece and the majority are from Old Navy, Osh Kosh, Target and Children's Place. I had about twice as many to buy, before I decided I didn't need that many, so I narrowed it down to my favorites. I LOVE them all!! I bought 26 items for a total of $6.50 for all of this:
My favorite find of the day!!! A cupcake tree!! I can't wait to make cupcakes to put in it. I tend to host a lot of baby showers, so I am always looking for cute serving tray things. It was only $1 and the lady said she had supposedly never even used it:


Molly said...

score on the clothes. Good Job. So, I will be out of town this Saturday, then it's Thanksgiving. If you go in December, let me know and I totally want to come with you!!

connie and frank said...

Wow. You found some great things. And you are only spending a small amount, so good job.

Emily S. said...

Seriously, I need to start garage sale-ing with you!