Saturday, November 19, 2011


Cheyenne and Berkeley are best of friends... and they already have the sibling rivalry thing going. They both pick on each other to make each other cry, but they love to play and laugh together too. Tonight, Jeff asked Cheyenne if she wanted to come with him to the grocery store and Cheyenne said, "Berkeley can come too, Berkeley wants to come!" I thought it was so sweet, because I was expecting her to feel special that only she got to go, but instead she wanted her sister to be with her. Also, I got a marshmallow shooting gun at a garage sale today and we were shooting them in the house and the girls were going around eating them. It was the last one and Berkeley was slowly going to get it. Cheyenne ran over to the marshmallow to get it. I laughed and said, "oh poor Berkeley, she is too slow." Then, Cheyenne gave the marshmallow to Berkeley, it was so sweet:) I just love these two girls!
snuggle bugs watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (a new favorite around here).
Finger painting. Berkeley kept eating it. Cheyenne made Caterpillars from egg cartons.
Twinners. Cheyenne's hair reminds me of the mean girl from the show Make it or Break it.
Cheyenne said she was not a witch, she was a King. And those are not shape blocks in her bag, they are crystals...
Watching tv together... we may or may not do that a little too much here.... yikes!
Cheyenne playing Dora Chutes and Ladders and Berkeley coloring with crayons.
In other news, Berkeley has started WALKING!! Crawling is still her preferred method of transportation, but she loves to practice walking too. She can take about 10 steps at a time before she goes to crawl. She always claps after she walks too. And she will hold up her index finger when you ask how old she is. Thanks to Grandpa Frank! More on that later:)


connie and frank said...

I love love love each and every picture. Their smiles, the stories, what looks like a little tear in Berkeley's eye, the activities. and Grandpa Frank is pretty excited about his contribution too.

Steve and Brittany said...

TJ is not that nice to Heber when it comes to a treat!! They are friends and enemies too. Haha just today TJ had 2 m&ms left and he dropped them and Heber snatched one up very fast and took off running in the other direction! :) Sometimes TJ will be nice but sounds like not as much. He was not about to share that m&m with Heber. lol Your girls are way cute!

Jenny said...

Walking!!! What a big girl.