Thursday, November 10, 2011

Garage Sale Finds #1

I am starting to do something new. Every weekend I go to garage sales and I go back and forth if it really saves us money or not. I am going to list my finds and the prices on here and I can look back and see if the stuff was something we loved or just junk that we never used. I will be able to hopefully see if it is worth my time, miles on our car and gas.
This is from two Saturdays ago:

Pretty Pretty Princess game (50 cents, it was in perfect condition, but some of the yellow pieces were missing, which is fine because you can still play with the remaining three colors):

This little table with two chairs in perfect condition was only $5. It is great because I bought a little table a long time ago at IKEA but it wasn't finished and I never did finish it and it got really gross.
This is one I probably shouldn't have bought, but it was a dollar for the set. I feel like you can never have enough dress up clothes, but Cheyenne hasn't hit the dress up stage fully yet. I think she will more when she can dress herself, because I never want to put anything on her.
These clothes were priced a little higher (50 cents each) for a garage sale, but I really liked them. I liked the heart onesie mostly because we have a little coat that is the same pattern. The fleece one piece sleeper is perfect for winter and the little longsleeved hooded shirt says "my dad rocks."
Two pairs of slippers: Lightening McQueen and Cowboy boots (50 cents each):
This little horse was $3 and the hat was 50 cents:
All of these for $3.00, it worked out to 15 cents a piece. (the price was $3 for a bag of clothes):

Next time I will add how many miles I drove and how much that costs in gas as well.


connie and frank said...

WOW!!! You got lots of neat stuff!! I love the pictures of the girls on the horsie. It will be interesting to see what you think after tallying the gas.

Molly said...

I'm so impressed that you go to yard sales....and you find stuff all the time!! I've never done it before. Maybe I can go with you one time to see what it's like.