Wednesday, November 2, 2011

one of those days...

I have been so sick the last couple of days, so the house is a disaster!! Also, it is the end of football season/beginning of basketball/volleyball season and my energy and enthusiasm for being a supportive wife and mommy is running low lately... The girls are napping right now and watched like 4 episodes of Dora this morning. I am having one of those days where I feel like I suck at doing my job(s), but can't get the motivation to get to work!! It happens every once in a while so I am assuming everyone has those days. This is my final procrastination, so I have a big job to do after I am done typing.

My sweet visiting teachers saw my facebook status that I was sick and brought me soup and cookies. Seriously, so sweet. It made me feel so loved, and also made me feel like I needed to be a better visiting teacher and be in tune with their needs! I ate the entire thing of soup in like 3 days, it was amazing. I seriously don't think anyone else in the family ate any of it!

I have about 15 blog posts to catch up with on my camera, but I keep losing the stupid hd card reader. I just bought another one on Amazon yesterday, so whenever it gets here I will start updating. This will be the third one I have bought! They only cost about $1-$2, but if I keep losing/breaking them, it is going to add up! I am pretty sure Berkeley ran off with the last one, she likes to chew on them. But, stay tuned because we have been up to some fun things lately!! Some of the posts are: a visit to the pumpkin patch, a visit from Kristen and Kale, Clemson fball game, Blue Devil football games, Berkeley's 1st birthday party, Trick or treating, and more! So don't change the channel:)

I am hoping I start to feel better soon and that I start being more productive soon, because I feel like I am drowning, just trying to stay afloat... anyone else ever feel that way? Like I have about 10 more times of stuff that I need or want to do than I have time for. And you feel like how are you ever going to dig yourself out of this hole? And cleaning during nap time makes me want to hit something, because just when I get it all cleaned up, it is time to cook dinner and then we eat and it looks worse than it did before nap time. Then the day is over and I still haven't done any thing else that I wanted to do. Thank goodness for my preschool days with Cheyenne because I feel like I haven't had the time to work with her like I used to, she and Berkeley play pretty well together now, so I don't interact with them as much as I should. And Berkeley has been sick for like over a month straight.

Jeff gets to go to the LSU vs Alabama game this weekend with a recruit and I am really excited for him, it is going to be seriously so cool... but it sucks because it means no day off for me. Not that my "job" is that hard, but its like anything if you never get a break or a day off it kind of wears on you. And maybe it is just this sickness, but I am getting worn out. I just wish I had two entire kid-free days to accomplish everything on my "to-do" list. This is how I always feel this time of year... I know everything will be better soon after basketball season. Jeff is such a hard worker and responsible husband, and he is just as worn out as me. But, I am grateful that we can be worn out, because it means he has a good job and we are pushing ourselves and learning and growing and becoming better people, right?

Oh man... if the girls could sleep extra long today, that would be a blessing:)


Molly said...

hang in there Stacey. I definitely have those days. sometimes, to get me out of it, I turn on some music, tell the girls we're having a dance party and just have fun. As they dance, I pick up things and try to clean up. I always think, "I love music, it puts me in such a good mode, why don't I do this more often?" The kids just think it's fun and don't realize you are working!

connie and frank said...

Hang in there Stacey. You are doing a great job!!! Rome wasn't built in a day:-)

April said...

I know exactly how you feel. I am in a little slump myself right now as well. I am constantly frustrated with having a messy house, and the amount of times I am cleaning the exact same thing, cooking three meals and then cleaning up after that mess. I have also not been as motivated to exercise or even read my scriptures lately. I totally need to snap out of it. So...I know how you feel! haha I hope you get feeling better soon.