Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Valentine's Day 2012

Last year was by far the best Valentine's Day of my entire life, but this year, Jeff had a basketball game and I had volleyball practice. Chelsea's party was so so much fun, but we didn't have anything big planned for the actual day. I left Jeff a note on his truck the night before to see in the morning on his way to work. If I was a good wife, I would have gotten up to make him breakfast, but no such luck... sorry boo! Anyway, so then that day the girls and I had a great day. We went to the gym then the grocery store and I got stuff to make Jeff a candy bar card and these cute fruit valentines I saw on my friend Christine's blog. I also got Jeff some powerade because he loves it. We got sugar cookies to decorate too. We baked the cookies, but didn't have time to decorate them until the next day. I also got some chocolate and strawberries, but I never got around to making them, it is still on my "to do list." The candy bar card was fun, but holy cow when did candy bars get so expensive? It was my fault because I waited til the last minute, but I went to Ingles and CVS and they were all regular priced over $1 for a regular size- what the heck? I remember in high school only ever buying them for 25 cents. That would be on sale, but I would see them that price all the time. Luckily they had like a buy 2 get 1 free deal, but I had to get some random ones because I wanted to get ones on sale (for example the snickers is dark chocolate instead of regular).

Anyway, when I was making the fruit Valentines, of course Cheyenne wanted to "help." The one in the middle is the one she made. I cut it out for her, but she traced the circles herself and colored them in.

Then the girls and I went to Chic-Fil-A, because it was buy one meal get one free for Valentines day and the girls got balloons and we each got a carnation and they had a little candy table too. It was so fun. Then Jeff surprised me at the end of volleyball practice with a balloon and bag of candy and a little present. It was so cute because he doesn't usually do something so public like that:) Anyway, it was a great day and I am lucky to have such a great guy on that special day:)

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