Saturday, January 26, 2013

Cheyenne's Very Merry 4th Birthday Party

 I asked Cheyenne what kind of Birthday Party she wanted to have. I suggested things like Princess, soccer, Minnie Mouse, etc. She said she wanted to have a Christmas Birthday Party. I asked her if she was sure and gave her a few more different suggestions, but she for sure wanted a Christmas one. I think maybe since we had a Halloween birthday party for Berkeley, that may have been why, but either way it was very fitting since Cheyenne has been playing Santa Clause and Christmas since June. 

I made little gift bags for each kid. I had puff painted each of their names on these little mini ornaments I had gotten for practically free on clearance a few years ago. I still have some gold ones left! Then I made them all each a green sparkly and red sparkly play dough. They each also got a candy cane and homemade star crayon.

 I had recently asked our friend Steve Weidler to teach me how to do fondant frosting on cakes. I was planning on making a fondant cake, but had way too much other stuff going on, and I asked Cheyenne what kind of cake she wanted and she said chocolate, so I decided to just make a basic chocolate cake. At the last second I made the little banner with her name on it. I think it turned out pretty cute and it tasted delicious too:)
 Her little birthday sign with the gift bags by it...
 Layla White, Cheyenne, Wesley Clanton, Sarah and Avery Henderson... Wesley is a little older than Cheyenne and he was cracking me up the whole time. When we were eating the cake he looked at me and said I thought Cheyenne was turning 5 (he is 5.5). I said, "oh nope, she is turning 4," then he looked over at her and back at me like "why am I at this little kids birthday party?" Then every game we would play he would totally act un interested then you could tell he would want to play and say, "I've done this before, I guess I could show everyone else how to do it." He is such a cutie and Cheyenne adores him. They don't even see each other much anymore, but everytime I asked who she wanted to have at her birthday party, he was always one of the first people named.

And her little friend Layla, always wanted to be right by Cheyenne. We had to talk to them to make sure they were playing with everyone and not just the two of them. They love each other:) Cheyenne had a great time with all her friends there and I know she felt very loved.
 Randall Darvalics, Andie Broderick, Berkeley, Sadie Nelson, Herschel Darvalics, Brielle Watne, and Ali Broderick. Ruth Nelson was missing from this picture because she said she didn't want any cake because she had a cavity. Finally at the end she gave in and asked for a piece of cake because she was hungry... these little kids were hilarious.
 Instead of making gingerbread houses we got ice cream cones and frosted them like Christmas trees and put little ornaments (chocolate chips and red hots) on them. The kids loved this.
 We also had a pinata which I guess I didn't get a picture of which is so sad since I spent like 2 days making it. It was red and green and looked like a giant ornament. The whole party there was a lot of sugar. As you can see Cheyenne has two suckers in her mouth at once, that was not an uncommon sight for any of the kids!

 Cheyenne and Brielle....
 I told all the kids that they could help Cheyenne unwrap the present that they got from her. The kids loved this, but I felt kind of bad about it because Cheyenne didn't really get to open anything because her friends were all so excited to open it for her! Rookie mistake:) Cheyenne only seemed slightly frustrated by it which was gone once she saw the gifts and got to play with them:)
 I also drew this little Reindeer and we played pin the nose on Rudolf. This was a huge hit and the perfect game for this age. It was so funny watching the kids try to find the nose and no one was very close at all. It was really cute. They loved watching each other too.

 These poofs are my new favorite way to decorate. I put them all in the play room too so I can re use them and now my playroom looks very festive. Also, I outlined the letters and Cheyenne and I colored them in for the happy birthday sign. It was lots of fun:)

It was such a fun birthday party and I should have taken a picture with all her little presents she got. She got some dinosaurs (which had been her number one request, an etch a sketch, some ponies, a barbie, some playdough, a Velveteen rabbit book and bunny, a watch, and a little embroidered sweatshirt, an apron and some cookie mix and frosting, and a giant pony from her Grandma Connie and Grandpa Frank, a magna doodle from her Grandma Sylvia and another picture book of her year from Jeff and I. I really wish her birthday was in the summer to spread out her presents from Christmas and birthday, but it just didn't work out like that and I guess its okay:) She just seems so spoiled this time of year! And by Christmas, she had already gotten so many new toys, I felt like it was already too much. They have kept her entertained though so that is good:) I have always loved planning birthday parties ever since I was like 7, I remember spending hours planning my birthday parties, it is one of my favorite parts of having kids:)


connie and frank said...

Wow Stacey. Your kids are soooo lucky. You plan the best parties, because you make everything and involve the kids in that. You do such a great job. Isn't it fun that the things you dreamed of as a kid come true???? See you soon.

connie and frank said...

Oh and we love how intense Berkeley is decorating her Christmas tree.... sooooooo cute.