Monday, January 10, 2011

Future Soccer Star

We got Cheyenne this little outfit and soccer ball for Christmas. Even though Jeff has hated soccer for a while, he said it was acceptable for his daughters to play. After we opened presents we went for a walk in the wagon and played soccer in the front yard. We are trying to teach Cheyenne to only kick it with her feet and not pick it up. She is actually not bad at dribbling it around. Whenever she would try to pick it up we would say, "Cheyenne, no hands!" So she kept trying to grab it between her two forearms without using her hands... she is so funny. Now everytime she sees any ball, she exclaims, "No hands!!" So funny! I am so excited she is almost getting old enough to teach her sports... if you can't tell, sports are pretty much the love of our lives! We both have been so excited to have kids and teach them how to play. I remember when I was pregnant with Cheyenne I had this whole schedule planned out that I was planning to start as soon as she could walk. It went something like this:

Monday 30 minutes volleyball
30 minutes gymnastics
Tuesday 30 minutes basketball
30 minutes gymnastics
Weds 30 minutes soccer
30 minutes baseball
Thurs 30 minutes basketball
30 minutes baseball
Friday 30 minutes volleyball
30 minutes soccer

I knew it wouldn't be completely structured, but the idea was to start young and play with her.... haha, when Cheyenne was 13 months old and learned to walk I laughed at myself and the idea of doing this schedule with my 13 month old. Okay, so the schedule turns out to even be impossible for a 2 year old, but when it is spring I am planning to start working on 2 sports a day, even if it is only for 5 minutes each... I can't wait!! We were so excited when we found out Berkeley was a girl, because Cheyenne will be a senior when Berkeley is a sophomore so they could potentially be on the same team in high school... we are already focusing on a state championship!! Haha... why wouldn't we be so hard core??? I mean, would you expect anything else than that goal from us, both of our professions are coaches! Any sport will do. I am hoping they will love volleyball, basketball and soccer, I love that soccer for girls is in the spring here. Anyway, for now, dribbling around the yard brings plenty of enjoyment and satisfaction!


Kristen said...

Love it! Soccer is a great sport for girls!!!

connie and frank said...

oh the best laid plans!!! keep trying. Cheyenne is so cute and the way she has her legs looks like dribbling the soccer ball comes naturally. Darling outfit.

Amelia said...

I love her new outfit and matching soccer ball! That is the cutest picture, she already looks like a pro!