Monday, January 24, 2011

Granola Mom

I got this shirt for Christmas and I love it! It is so bright and makes me happy looking at it. I posted this on facebook recently, so I am sure it is old news, but I coach a club volleyball team of freshman girls. They told me I was a "granola mom." I was totally confused and shocked. I tried to convince them that I was totally not, but they wouldn't believe me. It just got me thinking about how first impressions are often misconceptions and we should be careful how we judge people. Not that being a granola mom would be terrible, it is just really totally not me! I am still so confused at where they got that from, but I am curious to see if they will still think that at the end of the season, or if they will change their minds:)

1 comment:

connie and frank said...

the shirt looks great on you. Is granola like hippie? I don't understand that either.