Friday, July 27, 2012

Bennum Cousins!

Cheyenne was in heaven the entire trip getting love from her grandparents and getting to play with all of her COUSINS!! She is so blessed to have so many GIRL cousins too! She just adores all of her cousins:)
Sleepover at Grandma Connie's and Grandpa Frank's!
Haley (8) and Hannah (5 or 6?)
 Berkeley fell asleep and Haley was just holding her like this, it was so sweet!
 LUKE! Funniest kid ever.
 Jeff with his brother, Bobby and cousin Tyler:
 Kyla, Cheyenne and Berks
 Ice cream party!! 
L to R: Haley, Madesyn, Luke, Berkeley, Kyla, Cheyenne, Hannah
 Jeff played the dark game with the girls and Cheyenne got so scared she was crying. She had to help Jeff be the monster. Her face was so serious and intense when she was trying to be the monster, it was the funniest thing ever. I never could capture a good picture of it though. Anyway, here are all the scary monsters!!
 Jeff got a lot of flack from his dad about his unkempt long hair... he was trying to grow it out to see how long it could get. He cut it right after we got home.
 Grandma Connie in the background:)
Kyla, Cheyenne, Madison and Berkeley watching tv

While we were there we also got to go to Madison's 12th? Birthday party I think (or maybe it was 13, I can't remember)... anyway, it was fun and I'm glad we got to be there for her special day. 

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Loved seeing you guys! So fun for all the cousins to hang out!