Friday, July 13, 2012

Braves Game

 So our awesome friends, Robyn and Steve, took us to a Braves game before we left for Washington. It was my first Braves game since we moved here. We had such a good time! I didn't have anything Braves, and my roots were really bad, so since the Braves were playing the Yankees, I wore a Red Sox hat... except I totally forgot that Steve is a HUGE Yankees fan and that's even why he wanted us to go to the game with them! Once he saw it I felt bad, but I thought I was cheering for the Braves, therefore cheering against the Yankees and the most against the Yankees team is the Red Sox... that was my train of thought, but even the guys checking the tickets didn't appreciate my hat. I got a lot of crap and even some Yankees fans yelling at me from a few rows up, "Take that hat off!!!" Haha... next time I go to a game I will borrow someone's braves shirt unless I can find a good one for myself before then:)

Good times:) Here is a picture of Cheyenne and Berkeley before church about a month ago:
By the way, Jeff and I are the nursery leaders. I like the calling, and Jeff is great in there, but I don't really know how he feels about it:)

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